Page 29 of Free Fire Zone
I was panting hard, my fingers playing my clit like a harp. My breathing grew labored, making it difficult to even suck in a breath. My hand pressed against the wall for support, knowing I was about to come harder than I had in a really long time.
Just imagine that thick cock of his. It’s a shame you had to wake up before getting a good look at it. Or maybe just a touch.
But then I would be even more devastated that it wasn’t mine.
Sigh. I could picture a guy like him throwing your legs over his shoulders and pounding into you, making the bed hammer a hole in the wall from theforce of his thrusts. And you’d be powerless to do anything but lay back and take it.
Yes! And my legs would be shaking as I pleaded with him for more. And his strong hands would grip my legs, spreading me wide as he took me and made me his!
I cried out, nearly falling over as my whole body shook from the force of my orgasm. Holy crap, who knew fantasizing about a man could be so amazing? I tilted my head back, swallowing the water to quench my thirst. If he was even half as good as my fantasies…
You’d what? Demand that he be yours?
My own voice snorted in derision at the suggestion. I wasn’t as forward as I’d like to be. I liked to have a man lay out the red carpet for me, making me feel special and wanted. All those women that read those romance novels, fantasizing about the man who was broody and didn’t treat a woman right until she almost left him? They were kidding themselves. Men weren’t like that in real life. Well, they were broody and little shits, but they never came around the way a woman hoped. Fuck that. I didn’t need a man who was afraid of commitment. I needed a man who knew he wanted me and made it known to everyone.
Unfortunately, that man was not Dash, and never would be.
Holy fuck.The sounds I just heard from the shower were…Amazing.
There was no other way to describe it. Okay, maybe erotic and steamy. That fit the bill also. I knew she was fucking faking it when she woke up and rolled away from me, pretending that she wasn’t just feeling me up. But had I realized that she was horny, I might have been stupid enough to do something about it.
But I was trying to be a gentleman.
Sure, she was running her hands all over me, but she gave me all the signals that it was never going to happen. She was probably having a wet dream about some other guy, someone like the friend she was cooking steaks for. He would get to hear those sounds as he sank his cock into her later. And what would I get? A hard dick and a fantasy that would never come true.
And now she was in my shower, using my shampoo and body wash. And she’d come out smelling like me! It was probably some sick game she played with guys, getting them so turned on and then shutting them down when the prospect for more came along.
Who was I kidding? That wasn’t Laura at all. She was sweet and kind and funny. I hadn’t known her long, but she would never tease aguy like that. She just didn’t have it in her. If she did, she wouldn’t have squealed and slammed the door when I saw her naked yesterday.
I sighed and ran my hand down my face. She was in there right now, shiny and glistening…and I couldn’t have any of it. I would be frustrated for however long she lived here. And I couldn’t kick her out. That would be terrible of me. Maybe I could request she stay with someone else….
At least then I wouldn’t have to hear those moans coming frommybathroom as she pleasured herself. The worst part was, no matter how much she tortured me with those sounds, I just had to hear them again. I had to know what she was thinking when she made them. Who was teasing her in her mind? And most importantly, what was she doing to herself to elicit such sounds? Did she use her fingers? Were they buried in her pussy? Would she still smell like that when she got out of the shower?
The water shut off and I jumped up from the bed, hustling out of the room. There was no way in hell I was going to be caught gawking outside the bathroom door. It was bad enough that I had an eternal woody, but if I saw her after hearing what she just did, I’d probably blow on the spot.
I stumbled into the kitchen, jerking my head at Brock as he sipped his coffee with a satisfied grin. “What are you smiling about?” I grumbled.
“Nothing. It was just a very pleasurable evening.”
“Yeah, I’m sure it was,” I snapped, grabbing my own cup. Christ, I was going to snap like a rubber band if I had to hear about his night.
“You know how she’s all doom and gloom?”
I shut my eyes, slamming my coffee mug down on the counter. “Yeah? What about it?”
“Man,” he chuckled. “Talk about a killer in the sack. It’s like she’s making up for something in bed.”
“Like what?”
He shrugged in bewilderment. “Beats me. Maybe she’s trying to live out every fantasy before the world eventually stops spinning and we all burn in hell. Her words, not mine.”
I really didn’t want to hear about this. But I wanted to hear about this. Grabbing my newly poured coffee, I hurried over to the table and sat down, leaning in close. “So, what kind of stuff?”