Page 36 of Free Fire Zone
“It’s been like a month!”
“Okay, but that’s a month longer than I usually go.”
Rae chuckled beside me as she swiveled in her chair, flipping through her magazine without a care in the world. I had real problems here and she didn’t want to help out.
“You know, as a fellow IT person or just as a teammate, it wouldn’t kill you to help me out.”
She looked up at me in surprise. “Help you? But I thought you were just as good as me? Why would I need to help you?”
“Because this is life or death,” Fox cut in. “Who knows who this sick bastard is targeting. It could be any one of us.”
“Yeah, and the IRS doesn’t fuck around. Do you know what they do to you if you’re late filing?”
Rae gasped, pressing her fingers to her mouth. “Oh no. Do you think they’ll take my gun?”
“Worse than that,” Kavanaugh snorted. “First, they won’t send you a letter until months later.”
“Yeah, and when you do get it, that payment you owe now has like three months interest on it.”
“And there’s not a single fucking person to talk to,” Kavanaugh said in disgust. “They’re always so fucking busy.”
Fox slapped him lightly on the arm. “Yeah, and now we know why. Because they’re too busy planning out their next attack on Joe Winters.”
I spun in my seat. “Who’s Joe Winters?”
“He’s just a guy I made up,” Fox sighed.
“No, I think that’s a real guy. Doesn’t he own the gas station on the edge of town?”
“You’re thinking of Joe Summers.”
“Right, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Summers is a target too,” Kavanaugh said seriously. “They’ve probably got us all under surveillance because of our ties to Rafe.”
“Fucking Rafe and the FBI,” Fox sighed. “We should have seen this coming. I wonder if he wasn’t hugged enough as a child.”
“Rafe?” I asked.
Fox frowned, shaking his head. “No, this guy,” he said, pointing at the dad on the screen. “And now he’s taking his revenge on the people of the United States, one person at a time. He’s like a terrorist.”
“Aside from the mass casualties,” I pointed out.
“Right, but he still terrorizes people. Intimidation. Fear…Don’t tell me you’ve never broken out in chills at the thought of being audited.”
He was right, but they were both so far off base. But now I’d let it go on for so long that I didn’t know how to tell them I was looking into Laura’s friend and not some spy from the FBI.
And I kind of wanted to see what ideas they’d come up with.
“We should sit on this guy,” Kavanaugh said, pulling up the guy’s address on his phone. “If we follow him, we might be able to find out who his next target is.”
“Right, because he’ll want to stake out his next target and find out all the right buttons to press.”
“Exactly. Like if he’s big into horticulture, maybe he’s being a little too carefree with his deductions.”
Rae held up her hand, interrupting them. “And what does a horticulturist have to do with taking down political opponents?”
Fox rolled his eyes at her. “That’s what we’re trying to find out. Geez, follow the bouncing ball.”
“I’ll get the SUV. You get the gear,” Kavanaugh said, rushing out of the room.