Page 40 of Free Fire Zone
“Sorry for what? I’m sorry, did you conjure a tornado and direct it at the house? Because if you did, I really need to know your secret.”
“You know I didn’t.”
“Well, don’t worry about a thing. I’ve already contacted the insurance company, and I spoke to the fire department. You know, Bruce is so handsome. While I was there, I popped into his office for a little morning delight.”
“Every hour of the day is delight time,” I said drolly.
“So I have a sexual appetite. What’s wrong with that?”
“Absolutely nothing. I hope I can be like you some day.”
“That would require you to loosen your morals, dear. Anyway, Bruce had someone inspect the house. We’re clear to enter, as long as we stay away from where the tree fell. And by we, I mean you.”
“So, I can get my things?”
“I suppose, but if you’d let me take you shopping, I could get you a whole new wardrobe. We could find something that will really attract a man.”
“Thanks, but I don’t think that would be appropriate for school.”
“And that’s another thing. I can’t understand why you went into teaching when you could have found yourself a rich man and lived my life.” Her smile was infectious, making me laugh even though I had no hopes of ever marrying for money like her.
“I’ll keep it as a backup plan.”
“That’s all I ask. Now, go find Andrew so I can give those cheeks a squeeze.”
I narrowed my eyes at her. “You’d better be talking about the cheeks on his face.”
“Of course,” she said innocently. “Like I would ever feel up a younger man.”
I would have to warn Andrew that she was in a feisty mood when I got him. She most definitely did not mean his face.
Edith turned, smiling at Lee. “Oh, honey. I didn’t see you there.”
“No one ever sees me anywhere,” Lee said matter of factly.
“You really need a pick me up. I know a guy who could get you some marijuana. Maybe we’ll actually get a laugh out of you.”
“Edith,” I scolded. “We’re not getting drugs.”
“Honey, it’s legal in a lot of states now.”
“And since when do you know a guy?”
“Please, in my time, everyone had a guy. It’s perfectly normal.”
“Drugs are just a way to take you out of your miserable life and make you feel good for a little while. And when the inevitable crash happens, all you’re left with is the depressing thought that you will never be as happy as when you’re not yourself,” Lee said, sighing heavily.
Edith shot me a disapproving look. “You really need to take her to the spa. There’s nothing like a massage to brighten your day.”
“Somehow, I don’t think that will help. I’m going to get Andrew.”
I took the stairs two at a time, knocking on his closed door. “Andrew, are you done pouting?”
“Leave me alone. I’m obsessing over the woman from the airport.”
“Edith’s here and she wants to pinch your cheeks!”
There was a scuffle and then the door flew open. Andrew glanced past me with wide eyes, as if Edith was hiding behind me. “Where is she?” he hissed.