Page 51 of Free Fire Zone
“Please, men and their archaic notions. If you want to go inside, just go inside.”
“They were pretty adamant that I stay out here.”
“Well, I’ll go with you.”
I grabbed her by the arm, stopping her before she could enter. “I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t like you going inside either.”
“That’s okay. I work with Dash.”
“In construction?”
Her eyes twinkled in amusement, but I wasn’t sure why. “Yeah, in construction. I’m actually the foreman.”
“Oh, so you’re his boss.”
“Well, he doesn’t like to think so,” she chuckled.
That sounded like every man I knew. I didn’t think most men were actually sexist. It was more of a protective thing in most cases—like the one where they refused to let me inside because they deemed it unsafe. But she was right. It was my house. If I wanted to go inside, I would damn well go inside. I followed the same path they took to get inside, then carefully made my way around the gaping hole in the floor, remembering what it was like to be stuck down there.
I heard their voices carrying through the house from upstairs. They were arguing about something, but what, I couldn’t tell. Rae was right behind me as I climbed the stairs, listening intently for what they were saying. I wasn’t necessarily spying on them, but this was the easiest way to find out what they were discussing when I wasn’t around. It was probably something about football.
“No, you need to put them all in individual baggies.”
“I think we should pair them up.”
“But how can you be sure you’re matching the right ones?”
I was pretty sure that was Andrew’s voice.
“Look, red goes with red. I may not buy this shit, but I know that women don’t wear red silky bras with lacy black underwear.”
“Some of them do. Some women don’t care! And if we separate them all, she can sort it out later and organize it how she wants.”
I slapped a hand over my mouth, mortified that they were sorting through my underwear drawer. Rae had a grin on her face, thoroughly enjoying all of this.
“Fine, we’ll do it your way,” Dash snapped. “But what are we going to do about this?”
I frowned, wondering what they could be talking about now. Part of me wanted to burst in and stop them from sorting through my delicates, but it might be more embarrassing to walk in on them touching my things.
“Should we pack it?” Andrew asked.
“I don’t know.”
“I didn’t even know she had this shit,” Andrew muttered.
“Not that you would need to know,” Dash said, almost scolding him.
“Well, she is a woman and they have needs.”
My eyes widened as I realized what they were talking about.
“Women actually use this shit? What does this thing do?”
I heard a faint buzzing sound, and it progressively got louder as he played with the settings.
“Wow, that’s pretty…” I closed my eyes in embarrassment at the awe in Dash’s voice.
“You should try it on your cock.”