Page 68 of Free Fire Zone
When I glared at Dash, he just winked at me, then went back to watching TV and eating his soup. I had a feeling living with him over the next month was going to prove more difficult than I ever imagined. And it had nothing to do with how stubborn he could be, and everything to do with how charming and handsome he was.
When we headed upstairs for bed that night, the usual awkwardness was present, along with the very sharp tension that I felt the first time I laid in bed with him. He didn’t build a house of pillows or use abag to separate us, but he very clearly stayed on the edge of his bed, turning away from me. Meanwhile, I laid in the dark thinking of what it felt like to touch his warm skin or hear his heart pounding as I laid my head against his chest.
There was only one way to take my mind off what my body truly wanted.
I waited for him to fall asleep, then I flipped the covers off and tiptoed out of the room and headed downstairs where I proceeded to rearrange the dishwasher.
At least that would be one less thing keeping me awake tonight.
Two long fuckingweeks of torture.
Being held hostage by mercenaries in a foreign country would have been preferable to the massive hard-on I was sporting every night at bed. I had to roll away from her just so she didn’t see the sheets tenting from my erection. I did my best to be good. I kept to my side of the bed and didn’t do a damn thing to show any interest in her. My eyes stayed forward at all times, refusing to look at her as she pranced around in her tiny pajama shorts and tank tops that did nothing to hide her tits. It was like her personal mission to test my strength.
But she was totally clueless as to what she was doing to me. I would get home every night and find her already lounging in her pajamas after cooking me dinner. Well, it wasn’t just for me. She made it for Brock, also, but I chose to believe she had me in mind. And the food was amazing. It was like she was trying to outdo herself every night, coming up with new recipes to try. I kept telling her she didn’t have to keep cooking, but Brock immediately squashed that, telling her how much he loved her cooking, then proceeded to ask her to marry him.
I set him straight the next day in the gym when I knocked him onhis ass. He may have been unconscious for a few minutes, but he had it coming. He knew he was playing with fire, which was why he winked at me when he asked her. The stupid fucker was asking for me to take him down.
Now, I found myself waking up at the ass-crack of dawn just to get out of bed and jack off in the shower before she woke up and saw how hard I was for her. There were only so many times I could tell her I woke up with morning wood. It was true, but rolling into her arms and humping her hip were not acceptable in a friendship, and since I didn’t want to ruin what we had, I chose to flee the scene as quickly as possible.
I scrubbed a hand down my face as I walked into the break room and poured myself a cup of coffee. Even the strong shit Cash made wasn’t enough to wake me up. I was running on no sleep and horny as hell. It was a deadly combination, one that would only benefit the company if I was sent out on a mission.
“Jesus, you look like shit this morning,” Slider said as he walked into the break room. What the hell did you do last night?”
“Nothing,” I muttered, wishing I could say that I was tired because I wore Laura out by slamming my cock into her pussy for hours on end last night.
“You’re gonna need something stronger than that,” Slider chuckled. “You look like a fucking zombie.”
That would be preferable to the state I was in. “Anything good happening?”
He grabbed an apple out of the basket on the counter, tossing it in the air with a grin. “It just so happens that I heard of a job coming up that promises to be very entertaining.”
That perked me up instantly. “I’m all ears.”
“Nope. If I tell you, I won’t get the job, and I need this fucking job.”
“Not as much as me,” I argued. “I can’t sleep. I’m in bed every night with a woman that I want to sink my teeth into. I wake up with her tits smashed against my body every morning, but there’s not a damn thing I can do about it. The only time my dick goes down is when I’m in the shower after a training session. Do you know what it’slike to get nailed in the balls when you’re fully erect? It fucking hurts,” I spat, then grabbed him by the collar. “I’m losing it, man. If I don’t get some relief soon, I’m gonna blow in my pants in my sleep. And when she rolls over and drapes her gorgeous body over mine, she’s gonna be drenched in the massive amount of cum that exploded from my penis. Do you think that’ll help? Do you think the crazy look in my eyes will just magically go away after realizing that she touched the cum coating my belly?”
His eyes were wide as he stared at me, slowly grabbing my hands and pulling me off him. “Dude, you need to get laid.”
“I fucking know that!” I shouted. “What the fuck do you think is on my mind every fucking second of the day?”
“So, go find someone at the bar,” he argued.
I laughed at that. It was fucking funny that he thought my problem could be solved so easily. “You don’t think I’ve tried that? Just one look at another woman and my dick deflates. He doesn’t even care that he could finally get some relief. It’s her pussy or nothing.”
“Well, then the obvious solution is to surround you with as many women as possible. Maybe you could hire someone from town to come lay in bed beside you. At least then you wouldn’t be hard all night and you could get some sleep.”
He slapped me on the shoulder as he walked away.
“That isnotthe fucking solution!” I shouted.
I stormed out of there, following him down to the conference room. The guys were all in there, laughing and joking as if everything was perfect in their world. They didn’t understand what I was going through, what the struggle was like for me every day I was in her presence.
I glared at Rae as I took my seat across from her. The knowing look on her face nearly had me shoving up from my seat to meet her in the ring. And I would totally do it in a heartbeat if it weren’t for the fact that I had yet to take her down while we were sparring. The woman was not only a skilled fighter, but she fought dirty, using her small stature to her advantage. Some called it fighting smart. I called it trickery.