Page 71 of Free Fire Zone
This morning was no different. I ran to my bed, slid under the covers, and pulled down my sleep shorts, turning on Master Luke. Seconds later, I pressed the sweet vibrations against the most sensitive part of my body at the moment and waited for the relief to come.
The usual loud vibrating noise only lasted two seconds before spluttering and dying. My eyes flew open and I yanked Master Luke away from my body and stared at him in horror. I just charged him last night. He should be working just fine. I pressed every button I could, holding down the power button until my thumb turned red, but nothing happened. He was gone.
“No!” I cried out dramatically, holding Master Luke tight to my chest. “Why? Why did you have to leave me?”
A tear slid down my cheek in the most over the top fashion. I knew I was being irrational, but Master Luke was the only thing that got methrough the day. My other vibrators just didn’t cut it. Still, desperate times called for desperate measures. I carefully set Master Luke aside and rushed over to the dresser, pulling out the next best thing. He was smaller than Master Luke, and didn’t have nearly the same power, but maybe…I glanced back at the bed, knowing it would never be the same.
I hissed in a breath when I shifted in my hunched over position, rubbing my aching clit against the back of my calf. A moan slipped from my lips as I tried to rub a little harder, to ease the ache that would never leave. But it wasn’t enough.
I grabbed every vibrator in the drawer, sure that one of them could at least take the edge off until I could get a second Master Luke. Once back under the covers, I turned them all on, pressing them to my clit and praying for relief. The first didn’t even come close. The second wasn’t enough to truly fill me. And much unlike Goldilocks, the third was not just right. Small and not even close to stimulating enough, I resorted to shoving my fingers into my pussy, thinking about Dash’s hands on me instead.
I panted as I fucked myself, thinking about the man that slept beside me every night. I was so close, about to tip over the edge, but no matter how I tried, I couldn’t get there, and now I was even more wired than before. After an hour, I finally gave up. My back was sweating and a ring of my juices stained the sheets under my ass. Unfortunately, none of it carried the satisfying mark of my release.
On a normal day, I would strip the bed and quickly do the sheets, then remake the bed before Dash got home. He would never know about the dirty things I did in his bed, or the depraved thoughts I had about him. But today—today there was too much at stake.
I ran to the closet, slid on my flip flops, and rushed downstairs on a mission to replace Master Luke. There wasn’t a single adult store in a thirty mile radius. I would have to go to the big city for that. But if I left now, I would be back in plenty of time to satisfy my urges and still clean up before Dash had the chance to witness the frantic state I was in.
I was just about to get in my car when Lee walked out of the house, staring at me curiously. “What?” I snapped.
“Are you okay?”
“Not even close,” I said, feeling like a starving woman on the verge of eating a squirrel just so I wouldn’t go hungry.
“Maybe I should drive. You look a little…unhinged.”
Normally, I wouldn’t accept her company. The last thing I needed to hear about was the end of the world or how death would be preferable. But in my current state, death absolutely was the better alternative to having a throbbing vagina that wouldn’t calm the fuck down.
I tossed her the keys and ran around to the other side, getting in and slamming the door. My knee bounced with every second that passed. She was taking too long, acting like we were going for a joy ride. There would be no joy—no shining light in my world until I had a new fucking vibrator and the sweet release of the most powerful orgasm I could muster with a vibrator.
“So…do you want to tell me what this is all about?” she asked, waving her hand in a circle in front of my face.
Yes, I was manic, to say the least. Who wouldn’t be in my state?
“I need to get to an adult store.”
“Like…a clothing shop?”
“Do they sell vibrators there?” I asked testily.
I saw the way her eyebrows raised at my tone, but I didn’t give a fuck. If she didn’t want snarky answers, she shouldn’t ask stupid questions.
“Okay, so off to the city. Any reason why you can’t be like normal people and use the internet?”
I snorted. “Other men won’t do it.”
“I actually meant buying the vibrator online, but sure, we’ll go with men as the answer to this craziness.”
“I don’t have time to wait,” I snapped. “I need the relief!”
“You could always?—”
“I’ve tried everything!” I shouted. “Nothing is working. Master Luke died this morning, and none of my other vibrators are doing a thing to relieve the ache inside me.”
“I’m not surprised. Master Luke has been used regularly for the past two weeks. Maybe a little too often.”
My head snapped in her direction. “And who are you to judge me? Do you think it helps to hear you fucking Brock every night? Do youthink I don’t hear your moans and wish I could be the one in there? Last night, I even considered peeking inside the door!”
She glanced at me warily. “I would not be okay with that.”