Page 80 of Free Fire Zone
“How long it took to open the door,” Anna answered. “Yeah, it was uber competitive.”
“You know, I have to say, these guys sound kind of crazy. Who has a competition over who can open the door fastest?”
“Like I said, they have a strong bond,” Anna answered.
This was just a little too weird. As much as I wanted to learn more about Dash, I really felt like something was off. Maybe it was better to just talk about them.
“So, what do you do now, Anna? I mean, Hollywood is in the rearview mirror.”
“Oh, I help Zoe. She writes screenplays. She actually had a movie made already. The guys even helped her film it.”
And we were back to the guys.
“And you?” I turned to Juliette.
“Oh, I haven’t decided yet. I’m trying out a little of this and that. You know, seeing what sticks.”
It was so odd to me that they both gave up their careers—veryprominent careers—all for these men who worked construction in Kansas. And Juliette didn’t even know what she wanted to do. I couldn’t imagine giving up everything for a man.
I glanced at my watch and sighed. “This has been a lot of fun, but I really do have to get some shopping in. I don’t have my clothes for the school year yet.”
I pulled out my wallet and laid my portion of the tab down, gathering my things.
“It was so much fun hanging out with you,” Anna said. “I’m not usually a people person, but when you hang around with…construction workers all the time, it’s nice to have a change of pace.”
“I know,” Juliette sighed. “I’m up for going shopping anytime you want. I mean, I actually hate shopping, but anything to get out of that dungeon.”
“Dungeon?” I asked.
A look of shock crossed her face before she quickly recovered. “Uh…yeah, you know, the house. It just feels so…doom and gloom sometimes.”
“Maybe you should go shopping for some home goods.”
She slapped herself on the forehead. “Why didn’t I think of that?”
I wasn’t sure, and frankly, I was ready to get away and try to find some even ground for the first time since I met them. They were both nice, but geez, they were all over the place.
“Well, I’m sure I’ll see you around.”
“Of course! You have my number!” Anna shouted as I walked away.
For the first time in the last hour, my shoulders sagged in relief. That whole lunch was something like an encounter of the third kind. I’d have to make a note not to hang out with any of the girlfriends from the construction company again.
CanI just say that after my first day of school, I would gladly hang out with your friends’ wives and girlfriends again? High schoolers suck. By the way, you didn’t tell me construction workers were so close.
I dropped my phone and sighed. I hated lying to Laura about my job, but it was best not to get her involved in our secrets. I wasn’t even sure at this point that we’d remain friends. Hell, if my dick didn’t stop perking up at the very thought of her, I was going to have to banish her from my life just so I could get work done without needing to jack off first.
“Would you put the phone away?” Thumper growled. “We’re supposed to be gaining intel, not checking in with our girlfriends.”
“She’s not my girlfriend,” I grumbled. “She’s a friend. And I wasn’t checking in with her. She texted me.”
“And you just had to answer,” Slider grinned. “Somebody’s whipped.”
“I’m not whipped. A text came in. I checked it. That’s a perfectly normal response!”