Page 17 of Camden
“I know it sounds crazy. But I had a gut feeling. I waited it out and I met you at the right time. You were so skittish around me and then Mason told me about the texts Dr. Douche was sending you. I wanted to protect you. It scared me a little what I had started to feel for you, but not enough to step away. I wanted to be around you as much as possible.”
She nibbled on her bottom lip. “You never said anything. We’ve all hung out, I don’t know, a thousand times. How come you waited until last night?”
“I wanted you to be ready.”
“And you think I’m ready now?”
I grinned. “Honestly? No. But I don’t want to wait much longer and have the possibility of another guy swooping in to sweep you off of your feet. I want you to give this a chance.”
“Cam,” She sighed, and the sound of my name falling from her lips made my cock stiffen.
“Just think about it, Steph. I won’t push you, but until you tell me that it won’t ever happen between us, I’m going to try to convince you to give me a chance. Are you telling me that it will never happen?” My stomach churned as I waited for her answer. I didn’t expect to have this conversation tonight, this week, or hell, even this month, but I took the opening.
I resisted the urge to remove my hat and run a hand through my hair.
“I’m not telling you that it won’t ever happen,” she said and my entire body sagged in relief. I wrapped my arm more tightly around her shoulder. Lifting her hand off my leg, she placed her palm over the center of my chest, thrumming her fingers. Once. Twice. Three times. “But I’m not sure I’m ready. I’m not sure when I will be.”
“I’m willing to wait.”
“I don’t know how long you’ll be waiting.”
“I’m a patient man, Stephanie. I promise it’s not a deal breaker for me.” I pressed a soft kiss to her temple.
“Are you going to ask me if that was okay?” she teased.
I chuckled. “Was that okay?”
Stephanie nodded and snuggled in closer. I wanted to punch my fist in the air at the small win. “How about this? Little touches are okay and I’ll let you know if they make me uncomfortable.”
“Sounds like a great plan to me.” I pressed another kiss to her temple. Stephanie might not be ready for more, but I was going to do everything in my power to help her see that she could take a chance on me. “Can I ask you one more question before we get back to a lighter conversation?”
“What’s holding you back? From giving this a chance, I mean. Is it my past?”
She sighed and leaned away from me. My spine straightened from her expression. Even though the sky had fully darkened, the lights on the side of the ferris wheel made her glow warmly.
She shook her head. “It’s not your past. It’s mine. I don’t have the greatest track record in relationships. Honestly, the two I’ve had both sucked. I don’t know if I trust myself to pick a good guy. I feel like my instinct about people is broken.” Her voice trembled. This was a big moment for us.
She was being vulnerable.
Moving my hand from her shoulder to the nape of her neck, I tangled my fingers in her hair and pressed our foreheads together. “I know you don’t know me that well, but I will do my best to let you see the real me. I’m a good guy, Stephanie. I’ll help you see it.” I didn’t take offense at the fact that she was unsure of me. Whatever she went through in the past shook her faith in herself.
I understood that.
“Okay. I think the fireworks show should start any minute. How about a lightning round?”
Her face relaxed, and I tucked her back into the crook of my arm. Her head rested on my chest. Even though she had stiffened briefly, I could burst from happiness that she was choosing to let me into her world. Even if it was just for tonight.
“Okay. Favorite Food?” I asked, making a mental note of everything she told me. Every little thing.
She hummed as she thought it over. “Watermelon. You?”
She giggled softly. “That’s not food.”
“No, but if they’re placed in front of me, I can’t control myself. They have their own food group in my mind.”