Page 84 of Camden
Ready to kill.
“No,” I said again, just before he lunged at me. I tried to move, but he gripped my hair, dragging me backward. A scream tore from the back of my throat as he pulled me against him. The baseball bat ricocheted off the floor as his other arm wrapped around my chest, holding me in place. His body pressed flush against my back. He yanked my head back. My scalp screamed in pain from the force. Acid burned my throat as I dug my fingers into his arm, attempting to pry it off of me.
Every nerve in my body revolted against his touch as his breath skated along my neck. “Let me go.” I pleaded.
“We’re going home.” He pushed my body forward, trying to move me toward the door.
I dug my feet into the floor, but the wood was wet from the water I spilled. They slipped as he pushed me. Finally, getting a good footing, I twisted my body enough to put space between us, throwing my arm down, I nailed him right in the groin.
He groaned and his hold on me loosened enough for me to turn and thrust the palm of my hand straight into his nose. Breaking it instantly. Blood ran down his face. “Fucking bitch,” He cursed, releasing his hold on me fully.
I was not the same girl that left him and ran scared.Fuck that. I wouldneverbe that girl again. I would fight back this time. I would protect myself. He’d have to kill me before I’d willingly go back to living that hell.
I sprinted toward the front door. Tears pricked my eyes as glass cut into the bottom of my feet. My feet were getting sliced open with every step.
A roar sounded from behind me. I reached the gray area rug that I loved when his hand wrapped around my ankle, pulling my legs out from under me. Air rushed from my lungs as my body smacked the ground. White dots surrounded my vision as I kicked wildly, trying to connect with anything. Any piece of him.
Anything that would get him to let me go long enough to crawl away. He grappled for my legs as I kept fighting. Kicking. My fingers dug into the plush rug, trying to pull myself away. His hand tightened around my thigh and he flipped me over, sitting on my hips to hold me down as I tried to buck him off. “Get off of me,” I screamed, thrashing my body.
I screamed until my voice was raw, hoping someone, anyone, would hear. That someone would be close enough to help me. Jax wrapped his hands around my throat, squeezing until I couldn’t breathe.
Fuck, I couldn’t breathe.
I was going to die. He was going to kill me.I clawed at his skin helplessly, right above his wrists, until he bled. His pupils dilated as if he were enjoying the struggle. The fight.
“I told you. I told you we were going home. Why couldn’t you fucking listen?” He spit. Removed one hand, he backhanded me. The hit caused my vision to blur further. My ears rang as my heart beat faster with each second. His eyes gleamed with pleasure. I hated him. Reaching up, I pressed my fingers into his eyes, trying to injure him. Weaken him.
“Stephanie!” someone yelled from inside the house, but I couldn’t tell who it was. I couldn’t see them. My vision was completely gone.
Everything went black.
I slammedmy hand on the dashboard as I willed cars to get the fuck out of our way. Even with the sirens and lights on, people refused to get off to the shoulder. “Why the hell weren’t you answering your phones?” Porter asked, never taking his eyes off the road.
“Fuck! Move!” I screamed at the car in front of us as if that would make a difference. “Our service is spotty out there. I didn’t get anything.” I pulled my phone from my jacket. There were several missed calls and texts coming through.
“Fuck. My alarm company called.” I ripped off my ball cap and shoved my hand through my hair, tugging at the ends. “What the fuck happened?” I asked. My throat tightened.
Please, God. Please let her be okay.
“Rylie texted me. They’re not making much sense.” Mason said as he attempted to call her.
“Someone broke into your house. Attacked Stephanie. I don’t know much just that both Stephanie and the guy were unconscious when Noel got there. Rylie called 911 to report it, and your alarm company notified us when they couldn’t get ahold of you.”
“Rylie was there?” Mason asked frantically as he hit end on his phone and redialed.
Porter shook his head. “No, she was on a video call with Stephanie when the dude broke in. Stephanie was smart enough to silence the phone but kept the call connected. Haley was there when Noel got there, though.”
“What?” Asher asked, punching the cage separating us from them. “What the fuck do you mean Haley was there?”
“I don’t know. Noel said she was fine. I didn’t get many details other than that you were out on your property and not answering the phone. I got sent to get you.” Porter weaved in and out of traffic before taking a hard right into the emergency room entrance of the hospital. The tires squealed to a stop, but I was out of the door and running before the car finished rolling.
I sprinted to the entrance of the hospital, not stopping until I reached the nurses’ station. “Where is she?” I didn’t bother explaining. Everyone knew who I was dating. Everyone in this emergency room knew who I would be looking for as soon as I stepped inside.
Alice, one of the ER nurses, held her hands up, placating me. Her eyes were wide with worry. “Cam. You need to calm down.”