Page 89 of Camden
I meant it as a joke, but Cam was quiet. As soon as we entered my room, he walked in front of me and kneeled. He cupped my face, and I leaned into the touch. “I know, but it was almost more than I could handle. I swear my heart stopped when Porter showed up tonight.” Pain flashed in his eyes. It radiated off him in waves.
I softened in understanding. “I promise it won’t happen again.”
“Damn right it won’t. I’m not gonna let you out of my sight.”
“You’ll have to go back to work, eventually.” I patted his cheek, making him smile.
“I’m installing security cameras.”
“I’m sure you are.” I laughed, wincing slightly when my head throbbed.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah. My head just hurts a little. I think the pain meds are wearing off.”
He stood and helped me back into bed. “Do you want me to get a nurse?”
I shook my head. “No. Go get our friends?”
“Be right back.”
* * *
After Cam leftto grab our friends, Noel and Porter walked in to ask me a few questions. I wished I had Cam in the room with me, but I wanted to get it over with. Plus, I didn’t want Cam to have any more ammunition to kill Jax. I needed him with me, not behind bars. He’d been on edge from the moment he walked in, but convincing me to marry him and seeing our little bean helped calm him.
After a few questions, they left, stating they’d gotten all the information they needed for now. I’m sure there would be more conversations that would be just as hard. I picked up the ultrasound pictures from the table beside my bed. My finger traced the small grey blob that had taken over my entire heart in just a few minutes. My other hand laid right over my belly.
I promise I’ll never leave you.
The door opened, pulling my attention away from the pictures of my little bean. “I have never been so happy to see you,” Rylie said as she rushed over to my bedside. Her belly got in the way as she tried to bend over and hug me.
“Hey, now. It’s my turn.” My brother interrupted as soon as she got her arms around me.
“Hey, Gray.” I smiled.
“You don’t know how to stay out of trouble, do you?” he asked. I shook my head. His expression turned serious. “Why didn’t you tell me what was going on with Jax?”
My eyes cast down at the thin white hospital blanket covering my legs. I drew in a deep breath. “I was embarrassed. I didn’t want you to think less of me or worse, not believe me.” I peered up at him.
His brows furrowed in confusion. “Why wouldn’t I believe you?”
I shrugged. “He was your best friend.”
“And you’re my sister. You mean more to me than anything or anyone in this world. I swear if something like this happens again, you better tell me.”
“You’ll be the first call,” I promised.
“She won’t have to ever worry about that again,” Cam said from the door. Mason, Asher, and Haley all stood just inside the room.
“She better not.” Gray issued the warning. Any lesser man would’ve flinched from his tone, but not Cam.
“Stop.” I whacked my brother with the back of my hand. Haley pushed him to the side.
“Move.” She smiled sweetly as he stepped to the side. “Thank you,” she said, hugging me.
“I don’t want to piss you off. I know what you’re capable of now.” He held his hands out but smirked. Mason and Asher chuckled at the end of the bed.
“What did I miss?” I asked when she pulled back.