Page 100 of Asher
She bit her lip looking unsure. “I’m actually here to see you.”
“What could you possibly have to say to me?” I cocked a brow.
Stella stared down at the ground, rubbing her arms like she was cold. Which was crazy because it was nearly 80 out. “Can I please come in and talk?”
I sighed and looked over my shoulder into the house. “I’m sorry. I don’t feel comfortable with that. Give me a minute? I’ll be right back.” I didn’t wait for a response as I turned back into the house, shutting the door behind me. If she really wanted to talk to me, she’d wait.
I slipped on a pair of tennis shoes, and I typed out a group message to Rylie and Stephanie.
Crazypants is here.
*eyeroll emoji* Not your crazypants. Mine.
Stella? What is she doing there?
No idea. Wants to talk to me. If I don’t text you back in twenty, assume I’ve been taken.
Given our history. Not funny.
Wasn’t joking.
Got it.
“Phoenix?” I yelled up the stairs. My hand rested on the railing as I waited at the bottom step. She popped out of her room and stood at the top of the staircase.
“I’m going to step outside and talk to someone for a minute. I’m not leaving, I just wanted you to know I’d be out in the drive. Okay?”
She shrugged her shoulders. “Okay.”
I smiled watching her head back to her room before steeling myself. Wrapping my hand around the doorknob, I sucked in a deep breath and walked outside.
“Let’s move away from the door.”
We moved down the sidewalk, closer to the driveway. “What can I do for you, Stella?”
Stella looked at me with remorse. “I wanted to apologize.”