Page 27 of Asher
“We’re going out for drinks. Mom’s coming to grab Nix.”
“Fuck,” I said again and scratched my beard. “I’m not really in the mood for a drink.” Truthfully, I hadn’t been in the mood for anything since shit went up in flames with Haley.
“That’s three times, Dad,” Nix said.
“Sorry, bug.”
“Why don’t you go shower while we wait for mom?” Mason suggested.
I scowled, wishing they would just drop it. “Don’t you have wives you would rather spend time with?”
“We got kicked out.” Cam grumbled.
I laughed. “What did you do?”
“Nothing. They’re having girls’ night at the house,” he said.
I sat up straighter. “Is Hale there?”
“Yeah.” Mason confirmed slowly, like he wasn’t sure he should give me that information. “Grayson dropped her off.”
I ground my teeth together. Why did he get to see her? Why did he get to know where she was?
“Calm down, man.” Gray held his hands up. “I’m just her designated driver. They’re having margaritas.”
“Are we having drinks at your house?” I asked Mason, hope clogging my throat.
“What part of we got kicked to the curb are you not understanding?” Cam asked.
Mason shook his head. “I think he understands it just fine. He just wants to see Hales.”
“I like my balls.” Cam blurted out.
“Seriously, dude?” I motioned toward Nix on the ground.
He winced. “Sorry. But I do.”
“What does that have to do with us going to Mason’s?” My lips turned down.
“The girls threatened each of our, um, jewels, if we came back before they were ready. Apparently, they had things to discuss that couldn’t happen with us around.”
“Like what?” I rubbed the center of my chest.
“Hell if I know.” Cam shrugged. The doorbell rang, cutting off the conversation.
“Come in.” I yelled, knowing it was mom. She opened the door and held her arms wide for Nix, who ran straight into them.
“Hey, girl. You ready for a sleepover?”
“Yes!” Nix squealed and pulled my mother toward her room.
Mom stopped and placed a kiss on my cheek. “I’ll help her pack.” She patted the side of my face. “You should go shave.”
“Told you.” Mason chuckled.
“Fuck off.” I shot over my shoulder as walked upstairs to shower.
* * *