Page 32 of Asher
Most girls wanted a big wedding with a white gown, cake, and flowers. At least that’s what most grew up thinking they wanted. When you get to be a certain age, you begin to realize it’s not about those things.
The only thing that truly matters is the person who you get to spend your life with.
It didn’t matter that she was in a short white dress instead of the big princess gown or that he was in blue jeans instead of a suit. They couldn’t be happier to be married to each other. The whole day had been a beautiful celebration of love.
My heart ached.
They acted like there was no one else in existence. Every time William whispered in Sophie’s ear, she melted further into him.
I wanted that and I knew who I wanted it with.
Grayson was right. Not that I would tell him. I needed to talk to Asher. I had avoided every call and text he’d sent. It wasn’t fair to him. If he was really dating that girl, I should be happy for him. I shouldn’t punish him just because it wasn’t me.
No matter how much the thought turned my stomach.
After all, I didn’t have anyone to blame but myself for waiting so long to tell him how I felt.
Dropping the camera, I studied the image. The Bellagio fountains created the perfect backdrop and was the last place on our list. “Okay, Will, place your hand on the nape of her neck and rest your forehead on her temple, eyes closed. Sophie, look at me.” I clicked a few more pictures. “Perfect. Now whisper something dirty in her ear.” He did, and Sophie giggled.
It was the perfect shot.
Normally, I asked the couples to whisper something silly, but I’d been around these two all day and knew they were exactly like Grayson. Plus, we didn’t have to worry about little ears listening in since it was just the four of us.
“I think we got it.” I slipped the camera to my side.
Sophie hugged me. “You were amazing.”
“Thank you for letting me capture it all. It was beautiful.” Grayson hung his arm around my shoulders as we talked.
Will kissed the top of Sophie’s head. “I think it’s time I get my bride back to the room.”
“I’ll get these edited and to you soon.” I promised.
They turned and headed back to the hotel. “What do you want to do now?” Gray asked as I sat down on the edge of the fountain, carefully putting my camera back in the bag.
“Dinner? I’m starving.”
“Perfect. And then I thought maybe we should go to a club tonight.” He tucked his hands into his jean pockets.
My head popped up. “Really?” I asked. Gray was not a club and dancing type of guy. He was more of the dive bar kind.
He shrugged. “Really. When in Vegas. Wanna be my wingman?”
“Oh, fun.” I wiggled my eyebrows. “Wanna play ‘Have you met Grayson?’”
“You watch too much television.” Snatching my hand, he pulled me to my feet, which were already sore from walking all day.
“What? It worked for Ted and Barney.”
“Okay. Long as we can play ‘Have you met Haley?’” He lowered his voice so that he sounded like a game show host, and I laughed.
“Sounds like fun.”
We ate in the hotel’s steakhouse before going to our separate rooms to get ready. We had decided to go to the club attached to the hotel Casino so that we didn’t need to leave the property. Zipping up my short red dress, I twisted my body left and right in the full-length mirror. The dress fit me like a glove and hit mid-thigh. Two small cutouts showed slivers of my ribs, but the high neckline kept it from looking too slutty.
At least in my opinion.
I curled my hair and let it hang down my back. Lifting it off my neck, I assessed my reflection. Maybe I should wear it up. It was probably going to be hot. Dropping my hair, I looked over myself one more time. No underwear lines. Nude lipstick and dark eyes.