Page 34 of Asher
I slid my phone in the clutch and answered the door. Grayson stood in dark jeans and a black button-up shirt, his hand mid-air ready to knock again.
“You are impatient,” I said and pushed him backward with one hand on his chest. I stepped into the hallway, making sure the door locked behind me.
Grayson whistled as he grabbed my hand and spun me around. “Damn, girl.”
“Why, thank you.” I smirked, popping my hip to the side. “You ready for this?”
“Yeah. Let’s get going,” he said turning toward the elevator, typing on his phone. He finished just as the elevator doors closed.
“Which way is this place?” I asked as we stepped into the bustling hotel. People looked like they were heading to the casino or to dinner. Some even walked around in swimsuits, even though the pool was on the roof.
“Right past the casino,” Gray said, placing his hand on the small of my back protectively leading me through the crowd.
I nodded, suddenly excited for a night out. I didn’t normally drink much and when I did it was at girls’ night. I hadn’t been to a bar since before Rylie got married.
Strobe lights sent streams of color throughout the club as we made our way inside. A giant chandelier hung from the middle of the room, making it seem classier than the bodies grinding below. Hot and sticky air surrounded us as we weaved in and out of people drinking, laughing, and dancing.
“Drinks?” Grayson whispered in my ear, pointing to the bar. It took a few minutes before a space opened up.
“Jesus.” I tossed my hair over my shoulder and fanned my neck. Should’ve worn it up.
“That was insane.” Grayson shook his head and then turned to smile at the pretty bartender, who winked at him before asking what we wanted to drink. “Two vodka and cranberry please?” She nodded and started mixing the drinks together.
“Just wait until we get out on the dance floor.” I stared at the chaos.
Grayson chuckled. “Oh. I’m not dancing with you.”
My head whipped in his direction; eyes narrowed. This was his idea. I wasn’t going out there alone. At the Last Shot? Yes. I’d be on the dance floor by myself in a heartbeat but even I’m a little more cautious in Vegas. “Like hell you aren’t. I’m not going out there alone.”
“We’re going to find you a dance partner.” He avoided my eyes and focused on his phone like it was no big deal.
I blinked slowly. “You’re just going to hand me over to a stranger and leave? What if I get kidnapped?”
He rolled his eyes. “You won’t get kidnapped. And even if you did, they’d bring you back because you’re too damn feisty.”
I twisted my lips to the side. “What’s the plan, then? You’re just gonna sit here and watch me dance? Didn’t think that was your kind of kink.” The bartender passed us the two drinks. Grayson handed her some cash and handed me my glass.
“As much fun as that sounds I plan on finding someone I can trust you with.”
I scoffed. “And how the hell are you going to do that? You have more military buddies lingering around that I don’t know about?” Not that I would be opposed to dancing with a military man all night.Could be fun.
“Not so much.”
“So, tell me, how are you going to find someone trustworthy in this place?” I waved my hand toward the drunk men dancing around and groping women. I faked a shudder. “I don’t think so.” A hard body pressed up against my back as a strong hand gripped my hip. My eyes widened, but Grayson just smiled at whoever was invading my person space.
There were few people that I willingly let touch me. Or that I even felt comfortable enough around to let them.
Grayson knew that.
I started to pull away when Grayson leaned close and said, “Have you met, Asher?”
I froze momentarily before spinning to face him. My hand landing on his familiar hard chest when I stumbled forward. “Asher?” My heart almost burst out of my chest. His brown eyes sparkled as he stared at me. Large hands splayed on my waist, sending electricity straight through my body.
“Haley.” His voice rumbled so low I could barely ear it over the music, but the vibration of his chest had my eyes shuttering close. I missed him more than I even realized.
“And I’m out. You good?” Gray asked, looking directly at me. He was such a good guy. I knew he wouldn’t hesitate to take me with him if I said the word, but I didn’t want to. I wanted to see what Ash was doing here. I needed to spend some time with him. He kissed my cheek when I nodded, not taking my eyes off Asher’s.
Asher slid his hand to the nape of my neck and pressed his forehead against mine, rubbing his nose softly against mine. It was a move that I saw Mason and Rylie do a thousand times but had never experienced.