Page 51 of Asher
“Except when you were a horny teenage boy.”
I scowled. “That’s different.”
She reached across the truck cab and patted me on the cheek twice before her hand smoothed over my beard. “I’m aware, but it doesn’t change the fact that they would go to pound town if you allowed it to happen.”
I caught her hand, holding in place. “Well, sorry to break any hearts, but there is only one woman I want to go to pound town with and she’s currently sitting in my truck.” I pressed my lips to her palm and her body relaxed.
I resisted the urge to puff out my chest at the fact that one little kiss from me could relax her.
“How the hell did you make ‘pound town’ sound sexy?”
I wiggled my brows. “Because I make everything sexy.”
Haley snickered. “Ah yes. One of your many gifts.”
“Hi, dad!” Nix said into the open window, causing me to jolt and drop Haley’s hand.
“You little ninja.” I ruffled her hair. “How many times do I have to tell you not to sneak up on me?”
“But it’s fun.” She smiled brightly. “Haley!” she squealed, bolting around to the side of the truck where Haley was hopping out. My throat tightened as she bent down and wrapped Phoenix in her arms like she hadn’t seen her in years.
“Asher.” Sheila stepped up next to the truck as I sat and watched. “Did you get everything figured out?”
“Haley has to be out this week. They’re going to have to gut everything.”
She pressed her hand against her chest. “Oh no. Does she need anything? Help moving or somewhere to stay?”
“She’s actually going to be staying with me for a few months and I think that her brothers, Mason, and Cam are coming over tomorrow to help us pack everything up and move it to a storage unit.”
“Do you need someone to watch Nix?”
“I think Rylie will be coming over with Knox to hang out while we get everything handled, but if that changes, I’ll let you know.”
She rested her hand on my elbow. “You better. Are you going to introduce me?” She grinned. Sheila was basically a second mother to me at this point and would always be a part of my life because she is a part of Phoenix’s. In the few years that Carrie and I dated, I spent almost as much time in her house as I did in mine. I hoped Haley would be able to handle her family being in the picture too.
“Hi. I’m Haley.” Haley walked around the hood of the truck hand in hand with Nix.
“It so nice to meet you. I’ve heard so many wonderful things.” Sheila pulled her in for a hug. Haley froze briefly, but then relaxed into it. “I’m sorry to hear about your house. If you need anything, please let us know. We’ll do whatever we can. Jim is going to be so upset that he missed you.”
Haley smiled genuinely. “I really appreciate that. Thank you.”
Sheila tossed her thumb over her shoulder toward the house. “Stella is inside. Do you guys want to stay for dinner? Nix and I already ate, but we have plenty of leftovers.” That made me pause. In the past seven years I’d only seen Stella a couple of times, but recently she’s been around more.
Haley’s jaw twitched before she smiled. It happened so fast I almost missed it. “If you want to.” She directed the decision to me, but I could tell she wasn’t quite there yet.
“I think we’ll just pick up some pizza on the way home. We still need to swing back by Hales place and grab a little more.”
“Next time then.” Sheila smiled. “Oh, I forgot to mention. Stell is starting a substitute teaching position at the high school next week. Would you mind showing her around?”
“Sure. Just send her my way.” I stepped out of the truck to give her a hug. “Are you ready to go, bug?” I asked Nix who Haley was twirling.
She stopped and wobbled, slightly. “Yeah.”
“I’m going to go grab her bag from the porch. Would you help her buckle in?” I asked Haley, who smiled down at my daughter.
“Sure thing,” she said, and then looked down to Nix with a mischievous look. “Race ya.” They both took off running to the passenger side, where Haley hooked an arm around Phoenix’s waist and lifted her in the air, laughing. My chest ached at the sight.
Fuck. She was perfect.