Page 87 of Asher
“Well, if you wouldn’t have had your hand between my bestie’s legs then you wouldn’t have gotten wet.” Rylie spouted off without thinking and I busted out laughing as Asher narrowed his eyes at her and then pointedly glanced at Nix who was too focused on her puzzle game to care what we were talking about.
“Oh, my god.” I started laughing at the look on Rylie’s face when she realized what she implied. The comment didn’t embarrass me, but the way her face turned red made the whole thing that much better.
“Sorry.” Rylie winced.
Stella huffed from her seat across the table as Sheila and Jim chuckled.
“I think there is a dryer in the restroom.” Asher’s mom said helpfully as she passed me another napkin.
“I’ll be right back.” Passing Nix to Asher, I stood walking out of the room and into the hallway. Once I got into the restroom, I pulled out a few more paper towels to wipe off my leg and then stuck the bottom of my shorts under the blow dryer. Luckily for me, it had been pretty warm for April.
Getting dried as much as I could, I opened the door to find Stella leaning against the wall across from me.
“Sorry. I didn’t realize you were waiting.”
“Why are you here?” She spit, glaring at me with fire-fueled hatred.
My head jerked back from the harsh words. “Um. Asher invited me.”
“This was supposed to be a family dinner.” She didn’t have to say what she was really thinking. I could read between the lines. But what I didn’t understand is why she disliked me so much.
Fuck it. I’d just ask her.
“What is your problem with me exactly? You know Asher and I are dating.”
Her eyes slitted further, reminding me of a snake, as she took a step closer to me. “You shouldn’t be dating him.”
“Why? So, you can?” I bit the inside of my cheek as I popped my hip to the side.
She smiled viciously almost baring her teeth. “I would be a better fit for him. I’m Phoenix’s real family. You’re just a stand in. You’ll never be her mother.”
“And you would be?” I asked harshly without thinking but shook my head before she could respond. She didn’t deserve for me to talk to her like that even if what she was verbally stabbing me in the chest. I rolled my neck and inhaled deeply before meeting her eyes. “Stella, I would never try to replace Carrie. I love both Asher and Phoenix.”
“Does he love you?”
Her eyes were so cold I swear they were made of ice as she stared daggers at me. “You so sure about that? Because he didn’t feel like he was all that in love with you when he was kissing me yesterday.”
And that was the verbal kill shot. The room spun as I took a step backward. “You’re lying.” I stuttered the words.
Her smug smirk told me everything I needed to know. “I’m not, though I’m surprised he didn’t tell you. I thought we were on the same page when he left. He said he was going to end it with you.”
My chest constricted as I thought about what he said when I walked into our house last night. He had something to tell me, but I cut him off. Was that it? Was he going to end it with me? Did he decide Stella was a better fit?
No. That wasn’t it at all. She might be damn crazy, but Asher wouldn’t leave me for her. Not after everything we’d been through. Why didn’t he tell me, though? Why hide it?
I couldn’t catch a deep breath and she smiled evilly watching my internal spinout. “You need to do us both a favor and end it. He’s better off with me and I think we both know that.”
I rubbed my temple with a shaky hand. She was lying. She had to be. “You’re lying. You didn’t kiss him. You’re just a crazypants, jealous girl trying to give me doubts about my relationship. It’s not going to happen.”
Crazypants was not my most elegant insult, but if the shoe fits.
She laughed humorlessly. “You don’t believe me?”