Page 97 of Asher
“It’s going to be small. Just family.”
“Does that mean I’m not invited?” Stephanie pretended to joke.
“Please. You know you’re family. Actually I was wondering if you two would be my bridesmaids.”
“Really?” Stephanie teared up just as Rylie smacked my shoulder as she spit out some of her marg.
“You can’t just toss that out there like that. Give me some warning please.”
I rolled my eyes. “Who else would I want with me? Besides, Nix of course. She’s the third.”
“I love that. I can’t wait.” Stephanie grabbed my hand between us.
“Me either.”
“Not to ruin this but if it is just family, will Stella be invited?” Rylie asked, tucking her feet beneath herself, getting more comfortable on the couch.
I huffed out a breath. “I would like to say no, but I don’t know.”
“You really think Asher would invite her after everything that happened?” Rylie flipped her braid over one shoulder.
I bit my bottom lip. Neither of us had talked to Stella since the incident. I knew she was still staying at Sheila and Jim’s and we’ve been avoiding them. Kinda of. We met them for dinner a couple of times, but we hadn’t been back over to their house. According to Sheila, Stella felt terrible about everything. Called it a momentary lapse in judgement. She’s been going through a hard time.
Blah, blah, blah.
Every excuse every homewrecker has ever said.
Well, noteveryhomewrecker.
Some of those bitches just like to wreck homes for fun. While I didn’t think that was the case with Stella, I still didn’t want her in the crowd objecting to the marriage. Not that I would be worried if she did. Asher would probably lose his shit on her again right there in the middle of the ceremony.
He shut down basically any conversation that brought her up.
He was salty to say the least.
Which I, not so secretly, loved.
“I think that we have a lot of time between now and September and Nix loves her. I don’t think she’d understand why Stella isn’t there if the rest of our other family is.”
“True.” Stephanie agreed.
Rylie snapped and pointed at me like she had a brilliant idea. “If you want, we can run interference all night. Maybe lock her in the bathroom with a pillow, beer and some food?”
“Why a pillow?” Stephanie asked.
I answered already knowing where Ry was going. “Bathrooms aren’t exactly the most comfortable place to be trapped.”
“The plan has merit. You have to admit.” Rylie giggled, pouring another drink.
The plan was definitely influenced by tequila.
The way all great ideas were born.
We continued to make more plans, putting dates in calendars for dress shopping, bridal showers and the bachelorette party. Four months might push it, but I knew between Rylie, Stephanie and my sister-in-law’s we would get everything done.
The door popped open followed closely by Cam, Mason and Asher. Each holding a sleeping child. I sighed, melting over Asher who cradled our little girl. Nix’s long legs hung down over his arms. His drool-worthy biceps bulged from holding her sixty-pound weight. I stood, wobbled slightly becausetequila,and made my way over to him. I carefully moved a piece of hair from Nix’s face and pressed a kiss to her forehead. She wrinkled her nose but didn’t wake.
I peered up at Asher who met me with a soft expression. The butterflies fluttered in my stomach. He looked so damn happy to see me.