Page 18 of Baby Makes 3
I could kiss him. I’m three years older than Jamie, and thanks to going into menopause prematurely,I’mthe only one of us with a time limit on their biological clock.Me. But he would never rest the blame on me.
“We’ve been considering adoption, and as it turns out, Molly’s assistant at the gallery, Christy, has a sister who’s pregnant and looking for a couple to adopt her baby. Well, to make a long story short, we’ve met with the birth mother—her name is Melanie—and she’s agreed to let us adopt her child.”
Excited voices fill the room as we’re bombarded with questions.
When’s the baby due?
Do you know the sex?
Jamie lifts his hand. “I’ll tell you what we know so far. The baby’s due a week after our wedding. Talk about in the nick of time.”
More laughter.
Aiden runs up to us, Stevie tucked securely under his arm. “Uncle Jamie, please tell me it’s a boy baby.”
Jamie grins. “Sorry, Aiden. The baby is a girl.”
“Aww,” Aiden says, frowning. “It’s not fair. There are already four girls in our family and only two boys. Luke and I are outnumbered. We need more boys!”
Jamie reaches out to ruffle his nephew’s brown hair. “Don’t worry, pal. I have a feeling there’ll be more babies joining this family. You’ll get your boys eventually. Just be patient.”
“This is so exciting!” Bridget says. “Have you picked out a name yet?”
“Not yet,” Jamie says. “We’re still processing the fact we’re about to become parents.”
“You’ll need an attorney,” Shane says. “I’ll talk to Troy.”
Troy Spencer, attorney and a personal friend of Shane, represents both the business—McIntyre Security, Inc.—and the family.
Talk turns more general, although there’s a sense of excitement in the air. This family loves babies.
Dominic hands Mia to Jamie. “Here. You need the practice.”
Jamie cradles his newest niece to his chest, his hands sure and gentle as he leans down to talk softly to her. Seeing him with Mia brings a lump to my throat.
Speaking of babies, the twins—Emerly and Everly—get passed around the room, from one adult to another. Ava is currently sleeping in Bridget’s arms.
Before we leave for the evening, Shane pulls us aside to discuss plans for us to move into the house under construction. “The timing is perfect,” he says. “The structure is completed. It’s time to pick out the appliances and flooring, all the fun stuff. If you want, I’m sure Sophie will be happy to help you.”
As much as I hate leaving our apartment in Wicker Park, which is just blocks from my art studio, it makes sense for us to move here.
When we arrive back home, Jamie takes Gus out for a walk and potty break.
“It’ll be nice for Gus to have a yard,” I say when they return. “We can just open the back door and let him out. And I’m sure Aiden will love playing with him.”
Jamie removes Gus’s halter before he joins me in the kitchen. Without a word, he pulls me into his arms. My arms go around his waist, and I lean into him. He’s my strength. No matter what challenges face us, I know I can rely on him.
“Everything’s going to be fine,” he says quietly, as if he can read my mind. Sometimes, I’m convinced he can. Yes, he’s lost his sense of sight, but I think his other senses are greatly enhanced.
“I hope so.” I wish I had his optimism, but unfortunately, I’m more of a realist. So many things could go wrong that I’m afraid to be hopeful.
The grandfather clock in the living room chimes the hour—ten o’clock.
Jamie takes my hand. “Come to bed with me.”
The low, even rumble of his voice sends a shiver through me. When I’m in his arms, I can believe that everything will turn out all right.
That night, he makes slow, gentle love to me, whispering sweet nothings in my ear. His warm breath ruffles my hair, sending the most delicious shivers right through me. I honestly don’t know what I did to deserve this man.