Page 29 of Baby Makes 3
Epilogue – Jamie
Six months later…
Hazel is strapped into her pumpkin seat, which is sitting in the middle of the kitchen table. She’s kicking her feet imperiously, squawking and cooing loudly, clearly wanting more food. We recently started supplementing her formula with cereal.
I open the cupboard where we keep the baby food supplies and grab the box of cereal, a small bowl, and a baby spoon. “How about some cereal?”
I measure out the appropriate amount of cereal into a bowl, add formula, and mix thoroughly. As she notices me stirring, Hazel lets out a loud cry and renews her kicking. Yeah, she knows what’s coming, and she’s on board with that. Our girl likes to eat.
“Hold your horses, Hazel. It’s coming.”
I’m talking to myself, and to Gus, because Molly’s still in the shower. It’s Saturday morning, and we’re planning to go visit my parents after breakfast. Yesterday was our court appearance to finalize the adoption. We were in and out in record time.
In the six months since Hazel was born, Melanie has come by three times to visit. Once in our old apartment, and now twice in our new home in the family compound. Each time Melanie brought a gift for Hazel—always a baby board book. She says she loved to read as a child, and she’s hoping Hazel will love to read, too. Mel said it doesn’t hurt that I’m an author. I’ve got a good imagination.
Of course Molly and I both read to Hazel every day. Molly even helped me locate some children’s books written in Braillethat I can read to her. And of course I make up my own stories for her all the time.
I get three bites of cereal into Hazel when I hear Molly enter the kitchen.
“Hey, babe,” I say. “Look who’s still hungry this morning. I made her some cereal.”
Molly is standing close enough that I can hear her rapid breathing. “Everything all right?” I ask. I’m sensing frenetic energy coming off her in waves.
Her voice is shaking, and that makes me go on red alert. I put the bowl and spoon down on the table and turn to her. “What’s wrong?”
“You know I’ve been feeling like crap off and on all week.”
“Yeah?” I can hear the strain in her voice. “Do you think you’re coming down with something? Maybe we should call off the party.” Both of our families are planning to come over this afternoon to help us celebrate Hazel’s adoption being finalized.
“I know it’s crazy, because I haven’t had a period in five months, but I’ve been nauseated every morning this week. On a whim, I decided to take a pregnancy test just now. I had one test left over from before.”
My heart slams into my ribs. Molly hasn’t taken a pregnancy test since she was diagnosed as being in perimenopause. “And?” I’m half afraid to hear her answer.
“It’s positive, Jamie. There are two very solid blue lines. I’m pregnant.”
Her announcement hits me like a ton of bricks. I shoot to my feet and pull her into my arms, hugging her tightly. “You’re sure?”
She laughs shakily. “Yeah, I’m sure. I mean, I suppose it could be a false positive result, but I don’t think that’s likely. The lines are really clear, Jamie.”
I tighten my hold on her. “I wonder how far along you are.”
“I haven’t had a period infivemonths, so there’s no telling.” She sucks in a breath. “My jeans have been feeling tighter lately, but I just assumed I’d put on some weight.”
I stand there holding her, one hand cupping the back of her head, my other arm tight around her waist. My thoughts are racing, as is my pulse. “Dr. Shaw said it wasn’t impossible at this point. She just said it was unlikely. What did she say? That we had a two percent chance of conceiving?”
Hazel shrieks, stealing our attention.
“Hey, little lady,” I say, picking up the bowl and spoon again. I retake my seat and offer her a bite. “Guess who’s going to be a big sister.”
Molly rests her hands on my shoulders. “I’ll call Dr. Shaw’s office Monday morning to schedule an appointment. In the meantime, do we have any decaf?”
I hear her cross the kitchen, her bare feet padding on the hard floor, and then a cupboard door opens as she searches for coffee.
* * *