Page 4 of Baby Makes 3
If I’m being honest, I’m not surprised. I’ve known for a while now that something is wrong. It’s time to face reality and schedule the check-up I’ve been dreading.
I jump at the sound of a quiet knock on the bathroom door. “Honey? Is everything okay?”
Of course he found me. For a blind guy, he’s remarkably resourceful.
“Yes, fine,” I say, trying not to let my voice quiver. My eyes are tearing up, and my throat is tight, but I’m doing my best not to cry.
“Can I come in?” he asks.
The knob turns, and the door opens slowly. Our Labrador Retriever, Gus, comes into the room, his thick tail wagging vigorously. Jamie follows him in. “Do I need to ask why you’re in the guest bathroom?”
There’s no point trying to hide this from him. “I took a pregnancy test.”
He nods. “I see.” He pauses a moment, as if he’s waiting for me to volunteer the information. When it’s not forthcoming, he says, “And?”
I sigh. “It’s negative.”
He nods again, very nonjudgmental. “Okay.”
“Jamie, it’s been three months since I had a period.”
“I know.” Of course he knows. He doesn’t miss a thing.
I stand and throw away the used test. “I’ll call Dr. Shaw’s office and make an appointment.”
He holds his hand out to me, and instead of taking it, I step into his arms. Immediately, he draws me against him, pulling me to his firm chest.My rock.One of his hands slides up to cup the back of my head. His other hand gently rubs my back.
My tears burn as they spill onto my cheeks, then soak into his T-shirt. “I’m so sorry,” I sputter through agonized sobs.
“Shh,” he murmurs. He kisses the side of my head. “We’re in this together, honey. We’re a team. There’s no need to sayI’msorrywhen it’s no one’s fault.” He continues rubbing my back, and his other hand massages the back of my head. “It’s early still. You don’t have to be at the studio for two more hours. Let’s go back to bed. I just want to hold you.”
“Okay,” I say, sniffling as the waterworks come to an end.
Jamie takes my hand and leads me through the dark apartment back to our bedroom. The irony of this situation isn’t lost on me. The blind man is leading the way.
When we reach our room, Gus plops down on his oversized dog bed, while we climb back into our bed.
Jamie lies on his back and pulls me against him. My arm goes across his chest, and I lay my head on his shoulder. He tucks the bedding around us, so that we’re nestled in a warm, safe cocoon.
He kisses my forehead. “You know what?”
“I can’t wait to marry you. Fifty-nine days and eight hours, but who’s counting?”
A painful knot forms in my throat. He’s trying to cheer me up, but he’s ignoring the elephant in the room.
I finally put voice to the fear that’s been swamping me for over a year now. It’s the reason I dragged my feet on setting a wedding date. “Jamie, I don’t think I can give you a baby.”
His arm tightens around me. “That’s okay. As long as I have you, I’m content.”
* * *