Page 111 of Twisted Truths
“Okay, Mommy.”
Dillon stepped closer to me. “Cans I help?”
“You sure can.” I pointed at the small chair against the wall. “Drag that over here.”
He bounced on his toes over to the chair and pulled it up beside me.
“Well, get up on it.” I smiled as he climbed up. “Okay.” Grabbing the pancake dispenser, I handed it to him. “You hold it over the pan, and then press the button to let out some batter.”
“Like dis?” He pushed the button, and I held the dispenser.
Dillon let go of the button, and I set it aside.
“Nows what?”
“Now we watch for the right amount of bubbles.”
Dillon took me literally and I heard him counting every bubble that appeared.
“You’re doing great.” I wrapped an arm around him. “It’s almost time to flip it.”
Behind us, I heard Charlie explaining where things were located to Henry and they took care of the table.
When the pancake was ready to be flipped I handed the spatula to Dillon, covering his hand with mine. “We slide it under and then real quick up and over.”
“I dids it!”
“You did it!” He wrapped his arms around me, and I felt my insides turn to mush.
Great. Not only are you in love with Henry, Dillon just stole your heart, too.
I needed sleep. Sex. Food. And not in that order.
When we came in this morning and I saw her bent over in those damn pajama shorts, the erection I’d been sporting turned painful.
They felt soft under my hands. When I moved my hands to her skin? I wanted to lift her up on the counter and bury myself.
Then the boys came in and instead of being irritated with the interruption, I felt deliriously happy.
This was what I dreamed about. This was what I wanted when I got married. This is what we could have.
Miranda was the first woman outside of the daycare to pay attention to Dillon. She was patient, kind, loving. Everything that little boy deserved in a mother.
Charlie and I finished setting the table, and he lifted his arms up for me to pick him up. “Thank you for your help.”
I picked him up, and he wrapped his arms around me. “Yous welcome, Daddy.”
I felt the breath sucked from my body.
This wasourson.
“Daddy!” Dillon came over, bouncing. “I mades a paney-cake!”
“Everyone take a seat.” Miranda brought over a platter of pancakes, then went back to get the bacon. “Henry?”