Page 14 of Twisted Truths
I lifted my hand with my middle finger up and shoved it into Victoria’s smug, overly made-up face. “Eat a dick.”
We walked over to our bikes, hopped on and peddled away, headed towards my farm.
You idiot. Letting her get you riled up.
“Those jerks tainted my favorite place!” I yelled over my shoulder to Tara.
“Tell me about it.” She yelled back. “Hey! Watch out!”
Her warning came too late, and I crashed into Jeremy Parks. Our bikes hooked together, our heads slammed into each other, and we fell over in a pile of metal and limbs.
“Oh, my god! Are you guys okay?” Tara hopped off her bike and ran over.
“Jere?” I groaned.
“I’m alive.” He grunted.
“Hang on, guys.” Tara worked at detangling the pile so we could scuttle out from the bikes.
We both flopped flat on the ground and I felt his hand reach for mine. Our fingers wound together, and I rolled to my side.
“You didn’t get that shiner from the crash.” My voice was strained. “What happened?”
“It doesn’t matter.” A tear slid down his cheek.
“To me it does.” I pushed myself up. “C’mon, let’s take our bikes to the farm and get something to drink.”
He nodded and got up off the ground. The three of us rode in silence back to the farm and hung out in the barn with Stanley and Sophie.
“Dad’s drunk.” Jeremy sat on a bale of hay with Sophie bumping against him for pets.
“Again?” Tara sighed. “Mine is doing the AA program.”
Jeremy shook his head. “Yeah, well, I don’t think mine ever will.”
“Wanna stay for dinner?” I asked as I opened the large deep freezer we kept in the barn. I pulled out a bag of peas and tossed it to him. “That should at least help it feel a little better.”
Jeremy leaned his head back and placed the cold peas on his face.
“I couldn’t have said it better, Sophie.” He scratched her ears while she nibbled on the hem of his tee.
“How’s the rebuild going?” Tara asked as she chased Stanley around.
Jeremy’s eyes lit up as he lifted his head. “I’m learning so much. The twins’ dad, Joe, is so cool.”
“Joe is really nice.” I nodded, smiled. “He’s helped my grandparents out.”
“Rich, Coop and I all want to have our own garage one day. He said if we keep learning the way we are, then we’ll be set.”
“Whoo!” Tara jumped as Stanley turned around and chased her.
We left the goats to do goat things and climbed up in the loft to swing on the rope we had up there. The three of us laughed and took turns.