Page 20 of Twisted Truths
“Yeah. My mom’s a snobby bitch sometimes.” Pete shrugged. “Catch you losers in class.”
The hall emptied as we stood there.
“What happened to your eye?” I pulled out the book I needed and closed my locker.
Jeremy shrugged and sighed. “I’m going to class.”
He jogged down the hall to his class as Pete, Richard, and I went into our classroom.
The bell rang, and our English teacher scribbled on the board while muttering.
Victoria came in late and took her pass to the teacher before sliding into the seat beside me. She leaned over and batted her eyes.
“Henry. There’s a dance on Friday. Wanna go with me?”
I shook my head and tried to pay attention to the teacher, feeling victorious when she sat back in her seat with a huff and left me alone.
My day was surprisingly peaceful, making my classes and lunchtime fly by. When the last bell rang, I bolted out of class, to my locker, grabbed my backpack, and then ran to the bus.
Ethan boarded the bus shortly after me and dropped down beside me. “Where’s the fire?”
“What fire?” I shrugged and sat back.
He turned his head towards me, his eyes narrowed. “You’re going to see Holly Hobbie.”
“Dude.” He held up his hand. “Don’t be defensive.”
“I’m not trying to be.” I slammed my head back against the seat. “It’s just … I really like her.”
“Pussy.” Ethan laughed.
“Jerk.” I elbowed him.
We rode in silence and when my stop came, I almost knocked him out of the way to get off the bus.
Running up the driveway, I skidded to a halt when I saw my mom sitting outside, sipping her iced tea.
“Welcome home, Henry.” She smiled. “You seem like you’re in a hurry.”
“Yeah, I don’t have homework and I wanted to go hang out on the trails.”
“I don’t think so.” She sipped her tea.
“Why not?”
“We’re having a dinner party tonight. I want you to pick out what you plan to wear, get in the shower and, for the love of God, do something with the mop on your head.”
“But…” I thumbed to the garage. “Can’t I go for a little bit?”
“No.” She pursed her lips.
“We have three hours before anyone will be here.” I raised my voice, and she stood up walking closer to me. “I want to go hang out!”
“Henry.” The tone in her voice oozed ice.
“This is stupid! I wah…”