Page 73 of Twisted Truths
Gene laughed harder. “I’ll be surprised if you can still have kids after how hard she busted your nuts.”
“Ah.” My dad smiled. “I understand now.”
I nodded and looked over at Dillon. His face was covered in ice cream remnants and potatoes.
“Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.” Irv chuckled. “You’re lucky none of the other girls joined in.”
“Tell me about it.” I sighed and popped a fry into my mouth.
Dad and I tucked into our food listening to the gossip Gene, Evan and Irv filled us in on. It felt good to relax and spend time with my dad like this. His drinking kept him on the edge of my life during my teen years, but he was here in the eye of the storm with me now.
I helped Gene and Big E close the diner while my dad enjoyed his time with his friends before I drove dad home.
“Thank you for tonight, son.” He sounded sleepy.
“Absolutely.” I glanced over at him. “I’m proud of you, dad.”
As I pulled into the driveway, he unbuckled and leaned over to hug me. “Thanks for not giving up on me.”
“Never.” I hugged him back.
After he got out, I drove back to the apartment. I spaced that I needed to come back here for tonight to get the last of our things.
Pulling into the parking lot, I sat behind the wheel and looked at my phone. I had a string of messages from Victoria that I ignored all night.
you’re a fucking loser!
crying over a baby
he’s not yours
I know who his daddy really is
I hate you and I’m gonna make you pay
I can’t believe I got stuck with you!
He’s NOT yours
You were just the fall guy
I’m gonna take you to the cleaners and everything will be mine
he’s mine not yours
I’m gonna take him from you, then you’ll beg me to stay
I bet you thought your farm trash keyed your car
You’re gonna regret not answering me