Page 62 of Orc Captor
Wrapping my arms around his neck as we fall into our kiss. His hands move over me, across my back, down to my ass. I want him. So badly. I’ve never wanted, no needed something more than this.
He moves and grabs me up, carrying me in his arms and somehow we manage to continue kissing. We don’t stop as he goes to the steps. We’re halfway up and then there is a knock on the door.
You have got to be kidding me.
We stare into one another’s eyes, waiting, hoping that we both misheard. My brain, heart, and pulse are galloping towards this thing that I’ve been wanting for too long and now it’s hard to switch gears. My head is all cloudy with horny hormones and desire. But, to both of our dismay, there is another knock.
Bhoja growls and comes back down the stairs. He sets me down then waits while I straighten out my clothing. He shrugs, shaking his head, then walks to the door. When he opens it all hints of desire and need disappear in a flash.
A Maulavi is at the door, smiling, and this one I recognize. The one called Suparima fills the door. He has an easy, relaxed smile on his face and says something in Urr’ki. Bhoja answers, bowing his head, then steps aside gesturing for him to come inside.
My stomach could not be any lower. I could swear that there should be a mess on the floor where it just went splat the moment I saw him standing there. Any Maulavi would be bad, but this one has rank and power even among them. Why is he here? Why now?
“Good evening,” he says walking straight in as if he owns the place.
He looks around then chooses the living area walking past me and taking the singular seat. I give Bhoja a quick, hopefully secretive, look because that means there is no place for me to sit except the couch which would put us next to each other.
“Please, make yourself at home,” Bhoja says.
“Yes, thank you,” Suparima says off-handedly. “Sit. Please.”
“Can I get you anything?” Bhoja asks, ignoring the request.
“Yes,” Suparima says, staring at Bhoja and there is something hard in his eyes and in his voice. “Sit.”
Bhoja frowns and takes a seat on one side of the couch. Suparima shifts his gaze to me, waiting. I’m incredibly uncomfortable and have no idea what to do. I shift from one foot to the other and look at the stairs. Maybe I could retreat up there. Biting my lower lip I walk to the stairs but the Suparima clears his throat. I look over my shoulder and he gestures to the couch.
Hanging my head I walk there. It’s hard because my feet have suddenly been encased in concrete and weigh about a thousand pounds each. I sit doing my best to keep as much space between Bhoja and myself as is possible, which isn’t much more than a handspan.
The Suparima watches with an intensity that makes the entire situation even more uncomfortable. As if it needed help. Switching gears from hot and heavy to this stress is bad enough. I don’t need this shit.
“How can I serve?” Bhoja asks.
“Yes, serve,” Suparima says. “That is what we all must do, must we not?”
Bhoja grumbles something that I’m not sure is even words. I watch, unsure if there is anything I should say or not. I’m not sure why he’s including me in this, but it feels dangerous. Like something is up yet I have no idea what it is. Suparima has a bemused smile on his face as he looks between the two of us.
Suparima says something in Urr’ki. Bhoja grunts in what I can only read as surprise. His eyes widen, his mouth drops open, and his nostrils flare. He jerks his head to look at me then back at the Suparima. He says something and the Suparima laughs.
“Do you believe I am blind Bhoja?” Suparima asks. “It is clear as the nose on your face. Do not tell me you do not know it.”
“I… uh,” Bhoja stumbles over his words.
The way he looks scares me more than anything that has happened to date. Every other situation we’ve been in Bhoja has been a rock. I’ve seen him angry but never this. Not even when he was dealing with the aftermath of killing a Maulavi did he look this way. There is only one thing I can attribute to the way he looks. Fear. Bhoja is scared. And if he’s scared what does that mean for me?
“And you, what do you make of this?” Suparima is looking at me with piercing eyes that feel like spears driving right into my heart.
I shake my head and swallow, unsure what to say. I blink rapidly as I try to collect my thoughts. I dart my eyes over at Bhoja but he doesn’t have anything to offer except a frown.
“About what?” I ask, but my throat is so dry my voice is hoarse.
“The Urr’ki. Our Society, but perhaps most especially, tell me your thoughts on Bhoja,” he leans back in the chair spreading his arms along the back rest.
While he has a bright smile on his face it doesn’t touch his eyes. If anything he looks like he’s about ready to pounce. Cold spreads over my limbs, spreading from my core slowly but surely. A dozen lies flash through my head but which one do I use? Nothing prepared me for this question. Or this situation.