Page 64 of Orc Captor
“Isn’t this interesting? Because you, yourself, are a Star Person. Are you not?”
“I mean, sort of?”
“Sort of?”
“Humans did come from the stars, but not these stars. Our home planet is very, very far away.”
“Exactly,” Suparima says. “And, Bhoja, do you not see the conundrum this poses? Do you understand why they have become a problem for the Maulavi?”
Bhoja’s head jerks up moving his glare from the floor to Suparima. He growls, low and dangerous, and his hands convulse into fists.
“I do not,” he says.
Suparima rises to his feet, tsking and shaking his head.
“Ah Bhoja, do you think I do not recall how you are? Always you play as if you know less than you do. As if that mind of yours is not anywhere near as sharp as it is. Never one to stand out. Doing the required, but thinking so much deeper and broader than the others.”
Suparima paces into the kitchen as he talks continuing even with his back to us.
“That is not me,” Bhoja says.
“Bhoja,” Suparima says, turning on his heel. His voice lowers until he is barely whispering. “Do not call me a fool.”
Bhoja drops his eyes to the floor and grunts.
“I apologize,” he says.
“Yes, as you should,” Suparima says. “But for the benefit of…” he stares at me for a moment then nods, “Niyah, right? Niyah I will explain.”
“Yes, the problem,” Suparima says. “The Shaman has declared that we are in the end times. That this is the end of this world and we must work to hasten the coming of the next. That if we do this correctly the Urr’ki will return to our rightful place as first in the eyes of Tajss.”
“I… uhm?—”
Suparima holds up a finger cutting me off.
“But if this is true, as the Shaman has decreed, then there would be no more dragoste.”
Oh. Shit. He means…
“No one knows that,” Bhoja says, shaking his head in protest. “It is not a problem. I am wrong. That is all.”
“No, Bhoja,” Suparima says, walking back over to stand where he is looking down on us. “I do not think it is you who is wrong.”
If it’s not Bhoja then it’s… oh. Oh. Double shit.
Suparima turns away from the two of us. I dare a look at Bhoja. He’s frowning then rubs the back of his head. I love the way he does that, it’s so uniquely him.
“I must be going,” Suparima says. “I have many duties to attend to.”
Bhoja rises so I do the same.
“Of course, Suparima,” Bhoja says.