Page 15 of Loving Harper
“No, not now. In the future. I’m waiting on some instructions. I don’t want to talk about it over the phone, so let me do it when I get home, Sweetheart. That’s great news, and I’m gonna crash now, and then I’ll be home as soon as I can. It’s later here than it is down there, so give me a break, okay?”
“Done deal.”
She sat the phone down. She was going to be able to see him at last!
Danny returned and informed them that the dog was still improving, staying sedated but vital signs were getting stronger.
“They were quite happy to get the samples. There’s one that looks like it has some kind of purplish chalk stuff in the middle of it. I’ve seen stuff like that. That’s a sign of strychnine.”
“Yeah, I’ve seen it too. You know the sheep ranches out at the coast, on Coleman Valley Road? They have a big problem with coyotes, keeping them away from the sheep, especially the spring lambs. They put tires on the fence, and they put the poison inside the tires so that other animals can’t get it, but the coyotes will find it and sniff it out. It’s an effective way to poison them. It would’ve been easy for somebody to just pick up some of that stuff, since I don’t think it’s under lock and key anywhere,” said Greg.
“You’re right about that. I remember seeing that too,” said Lydia. This was also something from the past. Even though she didn’t like the circumstances, she was hopeful that a few pieces of the puzzle were beginning to form.
“What else did Harper say?” asked Greg.
“He said I might have to go back to D.C.. I can’t imagine why.”
“Something to do with your kidnapping?” asked Danny.
“Maybe, I don’t know. I just know that the guy ratted on a whole bunch of people, including his parents. Apparently, he’s gonna be locked away for a long time. I’m just not sure what they need from me as far as testimony or statement, but maybe it’s something completely different.”
“Just the same, it’s kind of cool to get an audience with the president or the admiral, if that’s what it is,” Danny added.
“As long as Harper’s there and Venom too, I’m okay.”
Chapter 7
Lydia received wordthat Harper would be returning before noon. The sleek black executive car pulled up the driveway, and she waved to the driver. Harper brought his overnight bag and a briefcase with him as he extricated his huge frame out of the backseat. He dropped them as soon as he saw Lydia and ran to her giving her a big hug and kiss.
His arms around her gave her new life. She hadn’t realized how exhausted she’d been.
“How are you doing, Sweetheart?” he whispered. “Everything okay here?”
“I’m just so glad you’re home. I may not ever let you leave the house again,” she said through tears. He lifted her chin up with his thumb and forefinger and gave her a warm kiss.
“You’re a lot stronger than that, Lydia. I’ve got some things we need to go over, and thank God Venom is going to be okay, but never doubt I’ll be here to save you. We’re all here to keep you safe. Just keep trusting, believing that will happen, okay? We both have to be strong right now.”
“I will. It’s just a one-two punch with all the uncertainty of what’s going on. It gets to me, Harper. I think it’s because of, you know, all the stuff that went on before. I’m getting worn out.”
“I get it. But if you’re going to doubt something, doubt that fact. You’re way stronger than anyone thinks you are, except me. I need you now to get that strength back. And you have plenty to be agitated about, but, Lydia, just remember, we don’t think straight when we’re worried or upset about things. Especially worry. It does no good. Most cases we can’t do anything about the things we’re worried about anyway. And half of them aren’t true. Thank goodness Venom’s in good hands and he’ll be home soon. And you’ve got two great protectors here who I know took very good care of you.”
“They were amazing. Really amazing. I agree.”
“And they’ll be back again just as soon as we need them. So you hang on. Let me say hi to the guys, and then you and I have to sit down and have a talk, okay?”
She bit her lower lip and allowed him to pass her by. He gave a shake and hug to both his men. She couldn’t hear what they were saying, little whispers here and there, but it was lighthearted and jovial. And they had been such good companions. She would not have been able to stand the twenty-four hours with him being gone without them. And Sally, she would remember to tell Harper about Sally.
He put his arm around her and led her into the house.
“Harper and Lydia, we’re going to go downtown and grab a little bite to eat, kind of check in on our to-do lists, if you don’t mind. We’ll be back in an hour and a half, is that okay?” Danny asked.
“You don’t have to come back if you don’t want to. I think everything’s okay. I’ll catch up with you by phone tomorrow.”
“Well, you just let us know if you need us back.”
“You need to pack?”
“Nope, we’re all set to go,” he answered.