Page 46 of Loving Harper
He stared up at the sky, searching the clouds.
“I’ll think on that one, Lydia. I’m going to keep my mouth shut so I don’t get in trouble. There are some things between a man and his lady that just should not be said.”
He smiled after the fact.
Later that afternoon, Lydia got a call from the hospital. She waited for the doctor to come on the line.
“I got your metabolic panel back, and I am happy to tell you that your protein, your iron, your overall blood results came out completely normal. Even your glucose level is normal, which is always something we start looking at after thirty. But there was one little thing I thought I’d like to mention to you, just in case you didn’t know.”
She held her breath. She hated how doctors had a real non-confrontational way of revealing bad news. Was this going to be bad news?
“I’m ready. Hit me with it.”
“Well, I’ll just come out and say it. You’re pregnant, Lydia.”
Her stomach lurched again. Sunlight in the kitchen hurt her head, and she was light-headed immediately, just like that time at the prison. She was going to be sick again, and she felt herself fading away.
“Harper!” she yelled for him outside, holding on to the countertop to keep herself from falling.
He came running, holding her up and grabbing the phone.
“Hello? Who is this?”
“I’m Dr. Punjab. I saw your wife last night at the emergency room?”
“Is she okay?”
“What did you tell her?”
“I’m not sure I have permission to do so, but she has some news for you. I would ask her to give that to you right away. You can call me back if you like.”
“Fuck this,” Harper said with a sneer. He hung up the phone. “What the hell was that all about? Are you okay? Going to be sick again? Tell me what he told you.”
He helped her sit down on a dining room chair and ran for a glass of water. She swallowed it all, took a deep breath, and looked up at him.
“Oh no, Lydia, is this serious?” he asked, emotion melting all over his words. He knelt in front of her and grabbed her hands, squeezing, nearly to the point of tears. “Tell me. What is it, sweetheart. I’m here, no matter what!”
“We’re going to have a baby, Harper. Did you ever think that would happen?”
Now Harper’s face was pale. His expression showed her he’d never expected to have this conversation, and he was clearly scared. “Oh, and how do you feel about that?”
She put her hands on either side of his face. “How do you think I feel, Harper? I’m delighted. Please, please tell me you are too.”
His face lit up in a broad smile. He kissed her. Whispering to her lips, he said, “Absolutely. This is chapter two, sweetheart. I can’t wait for the next adventure with you.”
Play Date
Sally was ableto pick up her female Dobie a few days after everyone went home. Her strength had fully returned, her head wasn’t hurting any longer, and life appeared, except for upcoming interviews she’d have to submit to, back to normal.
Lydia and Harper were excited to have their first play date with Venom.
“Bring her by in the afternoon,” said Lydia after Sally called her. “How is she?”
“She’s a love. She follows me around everywhere. I’m almost tripping over her all the time. Loves the garden and likes to chase butterflies, like Venom.”
“I’ve heard her bark, so I knew it was working out,” said Lydia.