Page 9 of Loving Harper
“What was it that happened yesterday?” Danny asked again.
“I saw a couple in the Sprouts market. Not sure why, but they caught my attention. I felt like they were following me around. Had a baby carrier strapped to the top of the cart, but the blankets didn’t look like they were wrapped around a baby. I thought maybe it was a small dog or something. But nothing moved. It was just so odd. It was a baby carrier, the blankets were wrapped like you’d wrap an infant, but I couldn’t see a face. And then I’d bump into them later in the store. It just gave me the chills.”
“You must have sensed something. Are you gifted like that?” Greg asked.
“I think so, but don’t remember. Anyway, I wanted to exit the store so I could take a picture of their car and the plates for Harper to check. They disappeared. Later, on the way home, I stopped at the nursery to look at some plants, and I brought Venom inside this time. He alerted to a car in the parking lot, and the man came walking right through the office, into the back garden area where we were. Venom gave him a little scare. And just like that, he left. I didn’t see him following me home. But last night around midnight, Venom alerted to something downstairs, and he barked, just wouldn’t quit. He’d sensed something, and I saw our gate swing closed as Venom tried to chase them. I just have this sinking feeling they were here just to let us know they were here, know what I mean?”
The two looked at each other and nodded.
“Harper didn’t seem to be too concerned about it. But then, he does that.”
“Oh yeah, we’re familiar with that one too,” said Greg.
“When the admiral calls, he goes. That brings you guys over here. I don’t have to tell you that if Venom alerts, pay attention. He’s got that guy’s scent imprinted now.”
“You wouldn’t think they’d want to mess with you. Why? If they knew you had the dog, why take the risk? It doesn’t make sense. Maybe that’s what Harper was thinking,” answered Danny.
“Just to be sure, I’m staying home today. If Harper stays over in D.C., will you guys be able to stay here too?”
“Yes, ma’am—er—Lydia. Sorry,” said Danny.
“I’ve got some gardening to do. Maybe you can help me with that.”
“Glad to help. Just say the word,” said Greg.
Lydia decided she liked these two. Her comfort level was returning. It would still be better with Harper at her side, but she had Venom and the boys. And she knew Sally could blow up the whole mountain if she needed her. It wouldn’t be long. Harper would be back.
She welcomed a return to normal. But it was hard to shake the feeling something terrible was about to happen, and there wasn’t anything she could do to stop it.
Chapter 5
The day wentby quickly. Both Danny and Greg helped move plants and weed, as well as hauled some topsoil for the new planting that Lydia did. She had added several flats of snapdragons and impatiens she bought at the nursery two days before.
Venom wandered through the greenery of the garden, exploring holes and dirt caves the squirrels made, sniffing butterflies and flowers that waved in the gentle breeze of the Spring day. Occasionally, he came over to investigate what Lydia was planting, getting in the way until she could pet him, sometimes knocking her over in the process.
He needed to be a part of everything she did. Soon, he transferred that interest to the soil Greg and Danny were depositing into the garden from the compost and mushroom manure pile down by the large garden shed. He sometimes stopped their forward momentum, getting in the way of the wheelbarrow or getting too close to the holes they were digging and had to be lovingly pushed aside, of course, after a pet and some nice attention.
Lydia laughed when she saw this. He didn’t want anyone to take him for granted or forget he was part of the process. It was a Doberman trait.
At the end of their garden work, they picked tender baby zucchini, fresh green beans, and some tomatoes for salad and vegetables for dinner. Lydia asked them if they had met Sally, their neighbor, and both men said they remembered her from previous visits.
“I think I’ll invite her to dinner if you don’t mind. I know Venom misses her when he doesn’t see her more than once a week.”
“That’s fine with us. She’s a quirky, fun lady,” said Danny.
Sally was delighted with the invitation, and close to six o’clock, she arrived, bringing some fresh baked bread, which was a hit with Danny and Greg. Lydia made sure they had a full quarter pound of butter to go along with it.
They consumed the steaks she had bought for Harper’s return, dividing them up into four pieces, which was plenty. The green beans and garden salad were a hit also. As with any good meal, there were no leftovers.
She did have blackberry pie Harper had never got to eat when they were so occupied in the bedroom, and when she brought this out, her place amongst the cooking goddesses of the universe was secure.
“I’d ask you to marry me, but you’re already taken!” joked Danny. “But promise, anything happens to Harper—”
Lydia gave him a sharp look.
“You’ll not talk like that here. I’ve just fed you, for Chrissakes, Danny. Not nice.”
“I didn’t mean it—”