Page 7 of Fearless
Oh shit. Ma was gonna go ballistic.
Life sure was strange. Moments ago, I’d been thinking it might be better if she hated me, now I was making plans as if a relationship between us was a forgone conclusion. If I were being honest, Quin sparked my interest the first time she opened her sassy mouth. The problem had always been my past.
I spun on my heel, making my way through the mostly empty parking lot and back into the halls of the hospital. Schooling my features, I eased the door to Emory’s room open, hoping like hell I hadn’t drawn any attention with my abrupt departure, but luck was not on my side.
“I lied. Time’s up, Brother,” Gabe said in my ear. “Tomorrow morning at Quattro.”
Turning my head to look into eyes so similar to mine, I grunted, “Six thirty.” He nodded, then strode away. Gabe didn’t miss a beat. It was terrifying and relieving all at once, but out of everyone, I was glad it was him. He would listen without passing judgment and give advice because, honestly, I had zero clues about what my next move should be.
My gut was screaming at me to snatch her up and never let her go, however, from what I’d witnessed, Quin would chew me up and spit me out if I dared to approach her in that manner. She put up a good front, though, acting tough as nails on the outside, when inside she was as delicate as a flower. I’d bide my time; win her over. There was no other option.
“Dammit,” Gabe cursed for the third time.
We’d been sparring for fifteen minutes, exchanging blow after blow. The results were rather one-sided. I’d either pinned him or flipped him skillfully over my body until he landed on the mat. I hadn’t slept a wink and had a ridiculous amount of energy to burn. Gabe just happened to be my nearest outlet.
“What’s the matter, Fratello?” I goaded. “You slowing down with your old age?”
“I’m only a year older than you, asshole.”
He leapt off the ground, cracking his neck from side to side before getting back into position.
“So what’s the deal with you and Quin?”
As soon as he said her name, my thoughts shifted, giving him the opening to come at me low, knocking me straight off my feet. My breath left my body in an “ooph” when my back collided with the floor.
“Fuck,” I groaned.
“Who’s the old man now?”
“You ready to talk yet? Or do I need to kick your ass some more?”
My howl of laughter came out more pained than amused as I took his outstretched hand, climbing to my feet while attempting to settle the nervousness running roughshod through my core.
“Quin’s pregnant,” I blurted out.
He jolted back a step, obviously stunned at my revelation.
“And I’m fucked up,” I continued.
Silence reigned supreme through the empty warehouse, making an already uncomfortable situation unbearable.
“Could you maybe say something, Gabe? I’m on the cusp of freaking the fuck out here.”
He held up a finger, asking for a minute, then took a deep breath.
“Sorry, Alec,” he finally spoke. “There’s so much to unpack with those two statements you just threw at me, I needed a minute to strategize. First and foremost, is the baby yours?”
I growled and was in his face before he had a chance to blink.
“Whoa.” He pushed against my chest. “Christ, it was a simple question…which I now have the answer to. Congratulations, Brother. I’m assuming you found out yesterday?”
“Yeah,” I sighed. “I don’t think she meant to tell me yet, but I pushed.”
“You’re a del Toro,” he chuckled. “It’s what we do. Okay, on to the next. Why do you think you’re fucked up?”