Page 74 of Fearless
“Get outta my way, pig. I ain’t going down for shit.” Carl raised the gun and fired off a round into the ceiling.
Kolton lowered his weapon, hands out to the side in a placating manner.
“Easy now. Let’s just talk about this for a second.”
“Fuck you,” Carl spat, putting the muzzle of the gun against Stacy’s temple. She didn’t even flinch, either too stupid or too high to care.
He began sidestepping toward the rear exit, dragging her along, when Gabe and Rico maneuvered out from behind a tower of crates, guns at the ready, effectively blocking his path. Switching directions, he started to move toward the other side of the building. The fucker hadn’t seen me yet, however that all changed when I racked the slide of my Glock, chambering a bullet.
“It’s over, Carl,” I snarled, moving from the shadows, which had hidden my presence, into the dimly lit room. “Your reign of terror ends now.”
“How’s my daughter, rich boy?”
My trigger finger twitched, desperately wanting to end his miserable existence after what he’d put them through.
“Don’t do it, Alec,” Keaton warned from beside me.
Then all hell broke loose. He jerked the gun away from her head and began shooting in all directions. We hit the ground at the same time I heard the report of a rifle firing. Looking up, I saw Carl stagger backward, Luc’s bullet having pierced his shoulder. He quickly ducked into a vacant office, pulling Stacy with him.
With precision, the six of us advanced on the small room. I’d half expected more bullets to start flying, but instead the sound of shattering glass had my feet picking up speed.
“Motherfucker,” Gabe thundered.
When I shouldered past him, I saw the busted window along with the trail of blood leading outside.
“They’re going for their truck. It was parked out back,” Rico added.
“Shoot out the tires, Luc,” I barked, tapping on the earpiece as we bolted for the front door.
Rifle fire rang out as the shitty truck flew past the side of the building, down the makeshift road toward where we’d parked. We picked up speed, not slowing down to wait for Luc, knowing he’d be right on our asses.
We were barely out of breath when we reached the vehicles, adrenaline pumping steadily through our systems. Those bastards couldn’t get away. They’d ruined enough lives.
Even though they had a bit of a head start, we caught up to them easily, staying right on their bumper for the next two miles. The rear passenger side tire was flat, where one of Luc’s bullets had obviously found its mark, and with every sharp turn they forced the old truck to make, smoke billowed from it. The backwoods, mountain roads we traveled on were not meant for high-speed pursuits, or any type of pursuits for that matter. There were too many hair-raising curves, steep declines, and not enough guard rails to protect against the sheer cliffs on either side.
“Caleb said he’s gonna try to box them in,” Luc announced, his ear to his phone.
I let off the gas so he could get past us, however before he was able to maneuver into position, the truck veered to the left, straddling the double yellow line.
“Jesus. These idiots are gonna get themselves killed,” Rico exclaimed.
He’d no sooner said the words, when the assholes went faster, pushing the limits of their vehicle’s capabilities. We’d passed several road signs indicating a particularly nasty curve ahead, but they either didn’t see them, or didn’t care.
It happened in a flash. One minute they were there, the next they’d gone right over the embankment. Slamming the SUV into park, I jumped out, making it to the edge in time to see their truck hit the bottom, exploding on impact.
It was over.
BLACK WAS THEprominent color of choice for funerals, but I’d never been much of a rule follower. Neither was Mom. We wore blue instead. Dad’s favorite color.
God. I missed him.
Mom used to say he and I were two peas in a pod. Throughout my childhood, I followed him around, soaking up every last bit of knowledge he had to share. His lessons were about more than his love of nature, though, they taught me to look at the world through the eyes of the forest. From the green moss which attached itself to rocks and trees, to a simple stream flowing down the mountainside; everything in life had a purpose. The last couple of days had been such a whirlwind of emotions, I’d nearly forgotten mine. Thankfully, I had Alec there to remind me.