Page 63 of Owned
Zevon observed their training sessions from time to time. He never stayed long and never commented on their progress. Raina hadn’t heard any more about the mysterious ‘multi-location operation’ either. She asked her cousins about it, but they didn’t know or had been instructed not to talk about it.
“We’ve got massive eruptions down to an art form,” Kern muttered as he rolled his shoulders. “Let’s focus on control for a while.”
The wall in front of him was scorched and dented from their latest barrage, illustrating his point. “Not every situation calls for a hurricane,” Cylex agreed.
“All right.” Raina shifted her stance and stretched out her back. “Give me a minute or two to re-center my mind.”
“Do you need a break?” Kern asked. “You’ve seemed particularly restless all afternoon.”
She stood between them, though their arms were no longer wrapped around her body. This was the first day she’d been unable to remain focused on whatever task they’d set for themselves. Today the warmth of their palms distracted her and their scents made her want to taste. The last time they’d shared pleasure had been three nights before and that had been a quickie.
There were other triads in the room, so she formed a detailed image and pushed it into their minds. They were all naked and Cylex fucked her fast and deep from behind while Kern aggressively filled her mouth.
“Oh, pet,” Kern murmured, leaning in so he could whisper in her ear. “I couldn’t agree more. Let’s all go take a break.”
“A good, long break,” Cylex added. He took her by the hand and they turned as one toward that exit, but three strangers suddenly appeared blocking their path. Raina gasped and automatically shifted into a fighting stance. The impulse surprised and pleased her. Six weeks ago her instincts would have urged her to hide behind one of her mates. She had grown a lot since leaving Earth.
Kern stepped forward and bowed to the strangers one by one. “Master Movu, Mistress Zuri, Lord Aldoron. I didn’t realize you intended to visit.”
“Do we need an appointment to visit my favorite apprentice?” Master Movu countered with a friendly smile.
Raina relaxed her stance but still felt wary. The strangers had Flowed into the room, so at least one of them was Pyronese. Movu had silver-blue hair that reached well past his shoulders and eyes of endless black. Lord Aldoron had charcoal-gray skin and rich mahogany hair. The female, Zuri, was lovely, with angular features and large leaf-green eyes. Her hair was perfectly straight and as black as Movu’s eyes. All three wore loose, pale blue garments that rippled around their bodies with their subtlest movement.
“You are always welcome,” Kern assured him. “I’m honored that you came.”
Raina found his effusive greeting endearing. Kern was usually so guarded. Right now he was bordering on fanboy. These people clearly meant a lot to him.
“Not everyone shares your enthusiasm.” Cylex motioned toward the doorway and the armed guards rushing toward them.
Kern stepped in front of his mentor and raised both hands. “They mean no harm. They are old friends and have come to see me.”
All three guards shouldered their weapons and the one in the middle ordered, “Out of the way. They must be searched for weapons before we can release them.”
“They’re a triad,” Kern argued. “They do not need weapons.”
“On your knees. Allfourof you!” the guard yelled, urging his companions forward as he too advanced.
Kern’s frustration turned to anger at the guard’s overreaction. Before Raina could attempt to calm him, Kern sent their rifles flying with a strong mental pulse.
The rest transpired in a surreal blur. The other triads charged the Pyronese, forming a hostile attack line around the strangers. The Pyronese moved back to back, apparently unconcerned with the Altorians’ greater numbers. Someone pulled Raina backward. She struggled for a moment then realized it was Cylex.
“Let go,” she yelled. “This is ridiculous. They aren’t hurting anyone!”
“That’s Kern’s mentor,” Cylex pointed out. “They don’t need our help.”
Apparently, Kern agreed with Cylex because he moved to her other side. He crossed his arms over his chest and watched closely, but didn’t seem overly concerned about the welfare of his friends.
“On your knees,” the guard snarled from beyond the ring of Altorian triads.
“We mean you no harm, but we will defend ourselves,” Movu stated firmly.
A fireball arched through the air and landed at Movu’s feet. He jerked his robe aside, barely avoiding the flames. Zuri reacted automatically when she saw her mate threatened. Using a focused blast of Air, she knocked the aggressor off his feet.
“I’m fine,” Movu insisted, trying to soothe his angry mate.
She nodded, lowering her arms, but it was too late. Fireballs bombarded the Pyronese from all directions and they had no choice but to react. They blocked the burning projectiles for a few moments, then went on the offensive. Aldoron tumbled one Altorian after another with nothing more than a sharp gesture from his hand.
The guards dove for their rifles and soon energy pulses joined the fireballs.