Page 66 of Owned
“Cylex just learned that his recon team back on Earth has located the missing conduits.”
Not waiting for Cylex to rejoin them, Zevon walked to where Cylex was standing. “What did you learn?”
“It might be better to wait until you and I—”
“They know,” Zevon told him, motioning him back toward the others. “Movu just told me what you learned, but I want you to confirm the prediction.”
Cylex waited until he had returned to his mates before he reported what he’d just learned. “I left a recon team on Earth. I was one of many trying to discover the location of the runaway conduits.”
“The conduits didn’t run away,” Raina objected. “Most of us were kidnapped while we were still small children. Our kidnappers ran away.”
“Fair enough.” Cylex leaned down and kissed her lips before he went on, “We all presumed that thekidnappedconduits had been scattered all over North America. Instead, my team found a tiny, extremely remote village in the wilds of Alaska. There are forty-six Altorian females between the ages of twenty and twenty-five.”
“You think they are all conduits?” Zevon sounded wary rather than excited.
“There is only one way to find out,” Movu joined in. “They must be tested.”
“Wait a minute,” Raina was not going to allow forty-six Earth-bred females to go through what she and her cousins had gone through. “I agree that they are likely the missing conduits, but even if they aren’t. We cannot go and just zap them onto a spaceship. I’ve been through that and it was horrific. If we do this, I want to be involved. I want to be there in person to help explain what’s going on and to assist them in transitioning into their new lives.”
Movu grinned, clearly pleased with something she didn’t quite understand. “I was going to suggest that Kern would be perfect to retrieve and train each conduit as she was located. I had no idea that there would only be one trip. Aldoron’s vision wasn’t that specific.”
“You planned this,” Raina accused. “Thisis the real reason you’re here. You want your favorite apprentice to be in charge of the missing conduits.”
Movu didn’t deny it. “Zevon trusts Cylex and I trust Kern. Putting your triad in charge is the only way to ensure that the needs of both sides are met. Pyron has just as much right to the conduits as does the Citadel.”
“And I’ll advocate for the conduits themselves,” Raina stressed when she noticed that the women hadn’t even entered into the equation.
Fighting back his smug smile, Movu looked at Kern. “Are you willing to take on this assignment?”
“I would like to speak with my triad before I give you my answer,” Kern told his mentor.
Raina, Cylex, and Kern walked back to the corner where Cylex had responded to the comm.
“If we had been alone when Cylex learned of this development, would you have reacted the same way?” Kern asked Raina.
“Absolutely. I want to make damn sure that no one else is treated the way I was treated when I first arrived.”
Kern looked at Cylex. “Same question. If we had been alone when the comm came through, what would your next step have been?”
“I would have asked my mates if they wanted to accompany me to Earth,” Cylex answered. “This is too important to delegate.”
Kern nodded then took a deep breath. “We, as a united triad, will go and retrieve the stolen conduits and we will ensure that they are all treated with respect. Agreed?”
“Agreed,” Cylex confirmed.
“Agreed,” Raina added.
They returned to Zevon and Movu. Zuri and Aldoron were standing but they had not approached. “We will leave for Earth as soon as an appropriate ship can be readied,” Kern announced. “My ship is not big enough for that many passengers.”
“A midrange cruiser will give you plenty of room,” Zevon said. “Do you need a pilot?”
“I’ve never flown anything that big,” Cylex admitted. “An experienced pilot is probably a good idea.”
“I’ll make the arrangements. The ship will be ready for launch in the morning.” Zevon looked at Movu. “If you will come to my office when you’ve finished speaking with Kern, we can work out the details of the cross-training program.”
“We will be there shortly.”
Once the president had departed, Kern motioned Aldoron and Zuri over. “It was really good to see you guys. It has been too long.”