Page 11 of Hunted
Tandor crouched behind her, face nearly on a level with her burning cheeks. “Open your thighs. Show us what will soon be ours.”
“I will never be yours,” she sobbed, hating that they’d brought her to tears. “I hate bullies and you two are prime examples.”
Warm hands stroked up the backs of her thighs, dragging a startled gasp from Ansley’s throat. Jobek was still holding her hands so that had to be Tandor.
“You can open your legs and let us touch you or Jobek will continue spanking you,” Tandor informed. “Your bottom is already bright red, so he’ll likely spank your thighs. That means he’ll pull your legs apart and I’ll hold them open. Either way we’re going to see your wet pussy. And we all know it’s wet. That’s why you’re refusing to do this.”
Shame and frustration washed over her in alternating waves. She shook her head again, horrified that they knew what the spanking had done to her. The ache in her sex was almost as painful as her throbbing bottom.
Jobek eased his hold on her arms and lightly caressed her well-spanked bottom. “You had to be punished for running away and telling lies. But this doesn’t have to go any farther. Stop being stubborn so we can touch you and reward you for your obedience.”
“But first, you must obey,” Tandor reminded.
As if someone else were controlling her legs, Ansley felt herself yielding. Her knees slid apart slowly while a fresh rush of heat washed over her entire body. She felt as if they’d tapped into her sexual frustration and amplified it by a thousand. Her need to come was suddenly as essential as drawing breath.
“Wider,” Jobek urged, a hint of command creeping into his voice.
Tandor’s fingers teased the skin on her inner thighs, gliding close to but never quite touching his target. “Do you want me to touch you, Ansley? This goes no farther unless you say yes.”
A sob shuddered through her. She shook her head even as she whispered, “Touch me, please.”
His fingertips feathered over her folds. “So soft, and so very wet.”
She pressed her face against Jobek’s thigh, humiliated and a little afraid. Why had her body reacted this way to being spanked? The action wasn’t even sexual. Life on Still Water Farms had been all about order and cooperation. These two made her feel completely out of control. And the worst part was she was pretty sure they wanted it that way.
Tandor eased her thighs even wider, lewdly displaying the most intimate parts of her body. “So slick and pretty,” Tandor murmured. “You respond beautifully to discipline.” His fingers sank between her folds and gently stroked her clit.
A needful moan revealed how good it felt.
“Come for me, sweetheart. Let me feel you come.” His thumb slowly pushed into her core. “Your barrier is gone but you’re incredibly tight.” He slid his thumb in and out as he circled her clit with his fingertips. “Are you still a virgin?”
He sounded surprised but his hand kept moving, so Ansley didn’t bother with a reply. This felt so much better than when she touched herself. She tightened her inner muscles and began to rock her hips. Tension built between her thighs and her core began to ripple.
“That’s right,” Tandor encouraged, increasing the pressure on her clit. “Come for me. Come right now.”
He thrust his thumb deep and kept it there as he rhythmically stroked her clit. The combination of fullness and friction set her off like a rocket. She cried out and lifted her hips as pleasure pulsed through her entire body. His fingers prolonged the spasms until she lay dazed and limp over Jobek’s lap.
“There are advantages to having two mates,” Jobek told her as he pulled her up off his legs. He stood her in front of him and said, “Lift your arms.”
She shook her head and crossed her arms over her chest.
“He told you to lift your arms,” Tandor reminded her. “Do so now.”
“Please don’t make me.” The plea sounded just whiny enough to make her strengthen her tone. “I don’t want to take off my shirt,” she stated clearly.
Jobek was not impressed. “I do not repeat my directives. Obey or deal with the consequences.”
She lifted her hands to shoulder level but kept her upper arms tucked against her body.
Jobek smiled and his dark eyes shimmered.
She sucked in a breath. He was handsome when he growled and glared. He was gorgeous when he smiled. A fresh rush of hunger curled through her body and she had to fight back a moan. How was she supposed to resist these two when their heated glances and skillful touches instantly dismantled her defenses?
“Clearly, I need to be more specific. Fully extend your arms so Tandor can remove your shirt.”
“If my punishment is over, why do I need to be naked?” She tried not to sound argumentative or whiny, but she really didn’t want to go another round with these two. She knew damn well that they would win.
“We want to see the rest of your beautiful body,” Tandor told her with a grin.