Page 26 of Hunted
“She needed to be punished. All I’m saying is now that she has been disciplined, we need to connect with her emotionally. It takes more than pleasure and pain to establish a long-lasting relationship. And that is the goal here. Ansley is our mate, not a barmaid on a space station that we want to fuck. She must think of us as her partners, not her enemies.”
Jobek crossed his arms over his chest and narrowed his eyes, but relented with a sigh. “What do you suggest?”
“We should learn about her and allow her to learn about us before we fuck her. She knows we can give her pleasure and she knows there will be consequences if she disobeys. Can we slow things down now and spend some time with her?”
“The standard courtship lasts thirty days. We will be lucky to get three. Check in with your brother. Let’s find out how much we can afford to ‘slow things down.’”
Tandor nodded. Cylex’s arrival definitely complicated the situation, but he wasn’t ready to give up on a less aggressive courtship. Ansley deserved a little romance mixed in with her ruthless seduction.
He moved across the room so he could activate the communications system. Neloff knew where they were, so there was no reason not to utilize outpost computers. The system was just as secure as theMadelle’s comms. He sent a request to Neloff and waited to see if his brother would respond.
Neloff’s image appeared on the wall display a millisecond later. He was in his quarters, preparing for bed by the look of him. “Did you fuck her yet? You’ve caught me in one hell of a crossfire here. Cylex’s mate is refusing to leave without her, so their other mate is combing the planet like a wraith. By the way, that’s what he is, a fuckingwraith. She better be worth it.”
Only a handful of Pyronese mystics ever qualified as wraiths. They were incredibly powerful, which meant he and Jobek were screwed. “Ansley caused an uproar that required discipline, so the fucking has been postponed,” Tandor admitted. “I think the bonus has slipped beyond our reach, but we will return as soon as possible.”
“It’s out of my hands, Tandor. As soon as Cylex locates you, he will take the girl to his ship.”
“I understand that.”
Neloff shook his head as his temper cooled. “I’m jealous as fuck, but I hope you succeed. You two will make any conduit a killer team. Now, get off the comm and go stick your cock in that female!”
The image blinked off and Tandor sighed. “You win,” he told Jobek. “We’re out of time. This is going to have to be the fastest courtship in existence.”
“We both know what we need from her,” Jobek said thoughtfully. “Maybe we should ask her what she needs from us.”
Tandor pushed to his feet with a smile. Beneath Jobek’s harsh exterior beat a deeply compassionate heart. He seldom revealed his emotions to anyone, but they were the reason Tandor had agreed to team up with him. “She needs to feel less powerless,” Tandor agreed. “That’s a great idea.”
* * *
Emperor Jevara of Torret paced his private chamber, anxious energy making it impossible to sit down, much less sleep. He was surrounded by decadent luxury, ruled an entire planet, and had more wealth than anyone could spend in many lifetimes, but none of it pleased him tonight.
Failure. No matter what he did, who he trusted to act on his behalf, they failed! Finding the renegade conduits on Earth had been his top priority for almost a year now. Everyone knew he would not rest until he controlled a power triad, so why could no one succeed in producing a single conduit? First the Hays cousins were snatched from his grasp. And now forty-six of the missing conduits were headed to the Citadel in one ship. All of them on one fucking ship!
A cry of frustration ripped from his throat and he swiped his forearm across a nearby table. A meal tray and all its contents went sailing through the air, scattering uneaten food and an assortment of beverages across the polished floor.
The visitor notification chimed. Thinking it was his personal guards or maybe a household servant, he bellowed, “Go away!”
“It’s Verbet. I have a present for you.”
Jevara hesitated. Verbet, his half-brother, was one of the few people alive who knew how to pull him out of his black moods, and his mood was black as pitch right now. “Enter.”
Though born of a mistress rather than a queen, Verbet was considered a member of the royal family. He was three years older than Jevara, but had no legal claim to the throne. Their father had publicly recognized Verbet. Still, any hope he had of becoming emperor died the moment Jevara was born. Verbet didn’t seem to mind. He had all the benefits of being a royal without the responsibility. Truth be told, Jevara often envied his brother.
Dressed in a golden tunic lavishly embroidered in jewel tones, Verbet sauntered into the room leading six naked pleasure slaves. Each female had an alloy collar around her throat, her hands restrained behind her back, and a welcoming smile plastered on her lips. The collars were connected by a short length of cable ensuring that the females remained near each other.
Verbet arranged the slaves in a line facing Jevara. “I figured your mood would need some improving after the message you just received.”
Jevara’s eyes narrowed and he pursed his lips. “How the fuck do you know what my private message contained?”
The cocky bastard just grinned at him. They both had sharp features and their father’s blue-green eyes. Jevara had also inherited their father’s blond hair, while Verbet’s hair was a rich auburn just like his mother’s. “They’ve been prepared for your pleasure, but if you are not in the mood to play, I’ll be happy to enjoy them myself.”
Jevara glanced at the females, noting their pierced nipples and bare pussies for the first time. Maybe if he released some of his frustration, he’d be able to sleep. “Bend them over the bed. As foul as my mood is right now, I will likely require the entire chain to banish my demons.”
Verbet grabbed the bound wrists of the female nearest him and led her toward the massive bed on the far side of the room. The rest of the females had no choice but to follow. “The females are the first part of my offering,” Verbet explained as he positioned the ‘pleasure chain’ over the side of the bed. With their arms bound behind their backs and their collars secured together, the females were basically immobilized. And the bed rested on a small platform so their hips were positioned at the perfect height to service the royal cock.
“Spread those legs nice and wide,” Verbet directed. “Offer your pussy to your emperor.”
Most of the women immediately obeyed, but one in the middle began to sob.