Page 42 of Hunted
Cylex would have known you were lying.Jobek confirmed her conclusion.It’s better this way.
Better that we’re being separated?She let him feel her anger and hurt.
That’s not what I meant, he insisted with a wave of reassurance.It’s better that you were honest. We will figure out how to get you back, but now is not the time. Go check on your friends.
“Please tell me you fucked her at least.” Neloff moved away from the central control station of theMadelleand crossed the deck to where Tandor and Jobek stood.
“We were so damn close.” Tandor ran his hand through his hair and fought back the urge to punch his fist through the nearest partition. The rest of the bridge crew were pretending not to listen, but everywhere Tandor looked he caught curious gazes staring back at him. “If we’d had more time, we could have claimed her.” With every touch, every kiss, every joining, Tandor had felt Ansley’s emotional defenses weakening a bit more. “She had just started to accept our courtship when they ripped her away from us. They had no right to—”
“Bitching about what might have been is a waste of energy,” Jobek cut him off. “We have to make our case to Zevon before Cylex does. Raina will convince Cylex that we are rapists before they reach the Citadel. Did you hear what she said to Ansley? She kept asking if we’d forced her even after Ansley clearly stated that we had not.”
Neloff’s brows scrunched up as he looked from Tandor to Jobek. “Why would Zevon give a shit about anything you said? If you claim Ansley, he loses control of a valuable conduit.”
Jobek shifted his weight from one foot to the other, anxious energy pulsing off him in waves. “Zevon is a hybrid, like us. He came from nothing, like us. He has earned every credit he possesses and he’s fought for everything he has.”
“Like us,” Tandor agreed. The entire star system had been shocked when the snobs at the Citadel chose a working-class soldier as their leader last year. Every change Zevon had implemented had been met with resistance and still he fought on. Tandor only knew him by reputation, but Jobek had interacted with him before. So had Neloff. Could the president of the Citadel be convinced to release Ansley into their keeping? Tandor wasn’t nearly as sure as Jobek.
Neloff shrugged and looked at the navigator. “Head to the Citadel. Top speed.”
“Aye, sir.”
“Let’s finish this conversation in my office,” Neloff suggested, then headed toward the door.
They crossed the hallway and entered the small room Neloff used for privacy and planning sessions. He moved behind his desk while Jobek and Tandor sat facing him. “How close were you to claiming her? Is she likely to have regrets as soon as she’s away from your influence?”
“I don’t think so,” Tandor said, but a twinge of doubt formed in the back of his mind. “She responded to us more readily than we expected. She even asked if she should tell Raina that we had claimed her so she could stay with us.”
Neloff’s eyes narrowed. “And how long had it been since you gave her an orgasm?”
“We need ideas on how to get her back,” Jobek snapped impatiently. “There is no reason to review what just happened.”
Unimpressed by Jobek’s spurt of temper, Neloff pressed back into his chair. “You wanted to reach the Citadel before Cylex, so that’s what we’re doing. What are you going to say once you’re in Zevon’s office? It takes a lot to influence his decisions.”
“I’m going to point out that in the past, conduits have always been claimed by those wealthy or powerful enough to buy the privilege. If he is really interested in changing the way things are done, allowing us to court Ansley will make a powerful statement.”
Neloff looked off into the distance as he considered the suggestion. “It’s a valid point. There are a couple of holes in your logic, however.”
“I’m listening.” Jobek crossed his legs, foot bobbing restlessly.
Tandor was listening, but he was also searching for a stronger strategy. Planetary leaders seldom did anything that did not benefit them in some way, and the Citadel operated like a small planet. What did he and Jobek possess, or what could they obtain, that would tempt Zevon into giving them access to Ansley?
“Cylex came from nothing, just like us. So you don’t have any more of a connection to Zevon than he does. Also, of the three Hays cousins, only one has wealthy mates. If allowing conduits to bond with working-class males sends a strong message, the message has already been sent.”
“I guess we’ll have to steal her back.” Jobek’s dark eyes suddenly gleamed with purpose.
“I’m not opposed to the idea,” Neloff assured him. “But I think you should try negotiating before we start another war.” He nodded toward the beverage dispenser. “Now, print some drinks. I want to hear everything you two have learned about Earth-raised conduits.”
Jobek went to dispense the drinks while Tandor studied his brother. “Your interest seems personal. Did one of Ansley’s friends catch your attention?”
“Very much so,” Neloff admitted with a smile.
“What’s her name?” Tandor asked. “All the females know each other well. They have spent their entire lives together. Ansley should be able to give you all sorts of helpful information.”
“If we’re allowed to speak with Ansley,” Jobek grumbled as he placed the glasses down on Neloff’s desk.
“Her name is Eden.”