Page 62 of Hunted
Aito nodded and opened the portal that gave them access to hyperspace.
Jarring acceleration slammed Ansley back into her seat. The wraith blinked out of sight, but Ansley honestly couldn’t tell if they had teleported back to the planet or if the portal had just ended their life.
Langlis sat beside Ansley, Tandor across the aisle. Jobek was up front with Aito and for a long moment no one spoke.
“You should have warned Zevon that you had wraiths after you,” Jobek grumbled, looking none too pleased with their guest.
“I knew someone was following me, but I did not know who,” Langlis defended. “I honestly thought I’d gotten out before the wraiths realized I intended to run.”
“What the hell is going on?” Tandor demanded. “Why did you ask for an extraction?”
She sighed heavily and rested her head against the back of the seat. “Where do I begin?”
“Take a minute,” Ansley suggested. “There’s plenty of time for you to explain. Let it sink in that you’re safe now and then explain why we are here.”
Langlis looked at her and smiled. “Thanks. I’ve been running nonstop since I left the Temple of Air.”
“You work at the temple?” Then why wouldn’t she trust Mistress Air? Ansley had never met Mistress Air. But she must be pretty special. Everyone seemed shocked that anyone would doubt her.
“I’m a healer,” Langlis explained. “Udora was my mentor.”
“Is Udora Mistress Air?”
Langlis nodded but her brows scrunched up over her nose. “Where is your home world? Your accent is unusual.”
“I was raised on a planet called Earth, but I doubt you’ve heard of it.”
Langlis smiled. “Actually, I have. Udora’s grandson just bonded with a conduit from Earth. Do you know Raina?”
“We haven’t known each other long, but I consider her a friend.”
Langlis seemed more relaxed now. She shifted in her seat, pivoting so she faced Ansley. She let the hood on her cloak fall back, revealing her long forest-green hair. Her features were sculpted with delicate symmetry, giving her a pixyish cuteness. “There is no easy way to say it. The wraiths are planning to take over the Temple of Air. They’re tired of Udora’s insistence on peace. They want a single planetary power headed by them.”
“Does Udora know about this?” Ansley asked. Did Zevon?
“Of course she does, but she still believes she can defuse the situation and she can’t. They’ll kill her without a qualm and toss her body out with the garbage. The wraiths are ruthless and power crazed. They’ve been watching Jevara for decades and are ready to emulate his tactics.”
“The only way we could act against the wraiths is if Mistress Air asks us to,” Jobek told her. “She is still the elected leader of Pyron.”
“I’m just explaining why I chose to run rather than take this to my mentor. Her ignorance is protecting her right now. I wanted to keep it that way.”
Okay, now Ansley was confused. “How is her ignorance protecting her? You said she knows about their plans.”
“The wraiths are not the reason I asked for an extraction. Something even worse is going on.”
Worse than an impending coup? Ansley was almost afraid to ask. “What are you talking about?”
“Two men appeared in the courtyard outside the temple about three weeks ago. They were both barely alive and both of their bodies were so badly damaged no one expected them to survive.”
“This happened three weeks ago?” Tandor looked at Jobek and both of their expressions filled with dread.
“Apparently, a ship exploded and one of the males barely escaped with the other. He used his last measure of energy toFlowwith his commander to our front door.”
“Oh, fuck,” Jobek muttered and began to shake his head.
“Exactly.” Langlis took a quick breath then continued, “The navigator died shortly after he arrived, but the commander held on. We convened healing circle after healing circle and finally managed to mend all the damage that the explosion had caused.”
“Then he’s alive?”