Page 3 of My Boyfriend's Bully
Sitting forward on the sofa, Hank frowned. That should be Miles, but why would he ring the fucking doorbell?
“Fuck,” Hank muttered and left the sofa. His stiff cock snaked down the left leg of his boxer briefs, thebulgecrudely accentuated by the thin, snug cotton fabric. He strolled to the front door and opened it as he emptied his last can of beer. Hank crushed the empty can in his fist and burped loudly. He stared at the young man standing on the doorstep, quickly sizing him up.Short, dark hair, lean body, cute with pouty lips, glasses.Hank’s cock twitched as his focus rested on those full lips. “Yeah? What?” He drawled with feigned disinterest.
The young man held up a paper bag. “I got your beer,” he replied with a notablebiteto his tone. Even so, Hank caught the quick sweep of the boy’s eyes as they darted up Hank’s half-naked body and snagged briefly on the bulge in his underwear.
I got your beer.Wait… was this Miles’ newboyfriend?Hank hadn’t met him yet.Hm.
A little treat for me?
“Who’re you?” Hank snatched the bag from the young man. “And what’re you doing with my beer?”
The boy’scrispnesswavered slightly as Hank hovered over him dauntingly. “I’m…” He cleared his throat. “I’m Matt. Miles’ boyfriend. I’m delivering the beer for Miles.”
Hank looked inside the bag. “Why?” he scoffed. “His legs broken?”
“No,” Matt replied with forced calmness. “He was busy, so I offered to do it for him.”
I bet you do it for him.
Hank stared at the young man with heavy eyes. “I’m no fag, but even I can see you’re out of his league. How did a dickless wonder like Miles land you? What’s the deal?” A smile dragged across his face. “He paying you?”
Did the prick just ask if Matt was agigolo?
“Excuseme?” Matt glared at him, trying his damnedest to focus on the guy’s face—instead of the immensedick linebulging the leg of his tight boxer briefs. “Miles doesn’t need topayanyone. And he is hardlydickless.”
“My bad,” Hank snorted. “I was just thinking, if youwerefor sale… I might be willing to shell out a few bucks for a quickblow.”He winked. “You look like a seasonedcocksucker.”
Matt made a valiant attempt to ignore the suddenzingthat skittered through his navel and lower,ticklinghis dick. Salivadrenched his tongue and he swallowed. What the hell was wrong with him? This guy was a grade-A piece of shit.
A piece of shit with a hot-as-fuck body.
It took every ounce of will not to ogle the man’s nearly naked physique, symmetrically sculpted as if he’d given personal attention to each individual muscle on his fucking frame.
Even so, the jerk’s massive ego and douche-bag-ishness kept Matt in check and focused on his mission. “I thought you said you weren’t a fag.”
Hank chuckled. “I’m not. But a mouth is a mouth. And yours is kind of pretty, like a girl’s.”
Matt shook his head. “I don’t believe you,” he muttered.
“No?” Hank jerked his thumb back inside the house. “Let me grab my wallet. How much to get you on your knees? Ten? Twenty?”
“You’re disgusting.”
“Maybe.” Hank grinned, a dark gleam in his eye as he glanced at Matt’s crotch. “But you got a boner just thinking about it, didn’t you?”
Matt’s erection from earlier hadn’t gone away entirely, and now seemed to be reviving. But fuck if he would let the douche bag think hisbonerwas because of him.Isn’t it? Someof it? Matt ignored the thought.
“Myboneris Miles’ doing. We werefuckingwhen you interrupted us. So, don’t flatter yourself. Trust me, you’re not my type.”
“Is that so?” Hank smirked at him, not believing a damn word he said.
“Yeah, it is.” Matt winced at the slightcatchin his voice—a classictellthat he was bluffing.
You’re not bluffing. You don’t go for assholes like this guy. Sweet, sexy boys like Miles is your style—not bad boy douche bags.
Matt’s conviction on the matter wavered ever so slightly as Hank lounged in the doorway, muscles popping all over his body, his gorgeous face smirking knowingly—pissing off Matt… yet, continuing to incite that unwelcometicklein his cock.
“Well, then.” Hank straightened a bit and inhaled deeply. “What’re you still doing here?” He flicked his fingers and started to close the door. “Run along now back to Miles and continue your little fuck-fest.” He squinted. “I know you’ll be thinking ofmewhen you blow your wad in his tight little ass.”