Page 11 of Devoured By Demons
Clamping my eyes shut, I shake my head and steel my spine. These men have wives, husbands, and children to look after. They’ve fought their battles, and they deserve every ounce of happiness life has to offer. I won’t be the reason they lose it.
“Please,” Sara begs, tears welling in her eyes. “Please, don’t do this.”Goddamnit, why does she have to see me like this?
When Azrael appears, I glance at Priest, wondering if he can see the Angel of Death too. “He cannot see me unless I choose to be seen.”
Well that answers that question.
“I cannot intervene, doing so would cause immense devastation to fate,” Azrael says before taking a step back to stand beside Sara whose eyes are downcast.
Sara begs again. “Zain, don’t.”
So, what? Her fuckin’ fate was to be raped and murdered?I know Azrael hears my thoughts because he closes his eyes for a brief second before opening them again.
“You’re walking a dangerous path, Zain. However, the choice is yours to make,” Azrael says.
“Zain…” Sara comes closer, but I shift my gaze.
With one last look at each of my brothers, I know that I have to sever the connection between us.
Hurt them to protect them.
Hurt them to protect them.
Protect them.
“Jesus Christ, look at you.” I pull my lips into a nasty sneer. “The fuck happened to you, huh? You used to be men… fuckin’ bikers that were afraid of nothing.” I pause to meet their eyes, “Guess the years of playin’ house and sinkin’ your dicks into soft warm pussy really softened up your black hearts.” I shake my head. “I don’t know about you, but this ain’t what I fuckin’ signed up for. You all want to become fuckin’ soccer dads and members of the PTA, that’s on you. Enjoy your fuckin’ miserable life. I’m done with this shit.”
“Zain.” Priest steps forward and grabs my arm, his brows drawn in confusion and disbelief. I look down to where his fingers are gripping my skin. I should have fucking known he wouldn’t let me go without a fight.
“Come on, King. This was nothing more than an easy ride for me. Free place to live, makin’ some sweet cash, and landin’ even sweeter pussy.” I pause and prepare my final blow.
“Did you really think I’d stick around forever just because some fuckin’angelsaid that’s how it was supposed to be? Nah, man. I’m out.”
This time, when I turn my back, no one follows, and no one tries to stop me. And with every step I take away from the four men who saved me, the remnants of my humanity shatter and crumble into dust.
As I leave the clubhouse for the final time, I submit myself to the darkness that welcomes me like an old friend.
“We all have demons, Zain.”
He’s right. We do all have demons.
I just chose to feed mine.
When Priest started the Heaven’s Guardians, rules were put in place for our sinners. Rules we followed to the letter to ensure our black hearts and damned souls remained intact while we worked to rid the world of its evils.
Rule number one? Never go after sinners alone.
Tonight, the rules don’t apply.
Walking right into a Demonis de Hielo cartel nightclub is high on the list of ‘things I should never fucking consider, but here I am.
The brick façade has been painted black, and the neon red sign above the door reads “Inferno”. A rope barrier extends along the sidewalk and leads into the club. The only thing I can see from here is a red tinged glow that comes from the entrance that’s framed by two ornate iron gates. If the name is any indicator, Santos wants the place to appear as though you’re walking through the gates of hell.
What a fitting place for aDemon.
Standing in line, I eye the other patrons, taking the time to commit faces to my memory as I discreetly listen in on pieces of their conversations. A few people mention Santos making an appearance tonight, but whether they’re talking about Manuel or Diego doesn’t matter. I won’t stick around long enough for those bastards to catch a glimpse of me. Their time will come soon enough.