Page 52 of Devoured By Demons
“Is my soul too dark for you, sweet Isa?”
I’m pulled from my thoughts when Liam pulls over at a familiar gas station not far from the Demonio de Hielo compound. “Why are we here?” I ask, rubbing my tired eyes.
“Stay here and lock the doors,” he says, not answering my question.
I do what he says and watch as he disappears around the corner of the gas station. I count the seconds in my head until he returns, nervous about being so close to my childhood home, and the place where my nightmares came to life.
I unlock the doors and Liam gets back into the car. In silence, he drives to a white house in a suburban street with manicured front lawns, and pretty rose bushes. Liam goes inside then comes back out less than five minutes later, locking the door as he leaves.
“Is this your house?” I ask when he’s back in the car.
“It’s Demon’s,” he says. “I need to make a phone call, I’ll put it on speaker while I drive. We don’t have long.”
Something doesn’t feel right, and the back of my neck prickles. Why would Zain leave Liam his house ke—Oh my God… He’s going after my father. Tonight.
Please, God, if you can hear me… keep him safe.
“Who’s this?” I startle at the gruff voice that comes through the phone’s speaker.
“A friend,” is all Liam says. “Listen to me carefully.”
There’s some scuffling, then what sounds like a door being closed. “Listen to you carefully? Man, I don’t even know who the fuck you ar—”
Liam cuts off the man’s hushed voice, “If you ever want to see Zain again, you’ll fucking listen to me, Priest.”
“Who the fuck are you?” he demands.
“My name is Liam. And don’t bother asking Bullet to trace my phone, it’s untraceable. You won’t find me. Now, are you ready to listen?”
There’s a gruff snort, then a woman’s voice whispers, “Priest, what’s going on?” He speaks to her in a soothing tone. “It’s okay, baby. Go back to sleep.” Priest clears his throat. “Talk,” he says.
“Demon is going after Manuel Santos. Tonight.”
“What the fuck?” Priest roars, and in the background, a child cries.
“Fucking listen!” Liam says. “He went in alone with information Diego gave him. Look Priest, Demon’s more capable than most men I know, but one man against the cartel… he won’t survive this, not without help.”
“Since you’re calling me, I’m assuming you have a plan.” Priest continues and in the background, we can hear him waking up his men.
“Get the fuck up! We ride in ten... It’s Demon.”
“Meet us in the parking lot at Betty’s Diner in one hour,” Liam says as he pulls into said parking lot and cuts the engine.
“We ride out in ten.”
Why did he say an hour if we’re already here? God, what have I gotten myself into?
Liam raises a finger, cutting me off. He takes the phone from the cradle on the dash and brings it to his ear. “No, I’m not alone… Isadora Santos,” he pauses, and with a small smirk, glances at me. “She’s Demon’s.”
She’s Demon’s? What the hell does that mean?
Liam drops the phone in the console between our seats and rubs his hands over his face. He turns to me, but doesn’t speak, just mouths the words “Three… Two...”
The strange, blank look in his eyes concerns me. “Liam?” I question nervously. “What’s going—”
“One,” he whispers into the air between us.