Page 11 of Swoony Moon
“How did you end up in Montana, Finley?” I had to ask.
“Oh, well, that’s a rather long story that involves a man. As they always do.”
“You followed a man here?”
“No. More like I’m running away from my old life.” She tugged on a lock of her long hair. “It seems I’m not the only one.”
I sighed, knowing she was referring to me. “Did you see the interview?”
“I did.” She nodded gravely. “And if you ask me, that cow deserved everything you said to her. As a woman, I was proud of you.”
“Thanks.” The kind words from a stranger almost had me in tears.
I felt compelled to tell her everything. This is where it all went down. Right here. I’ve come home to face the past. To heal. Perhaps even find some answers about my mother.
No.I couldn’t trust anyone. She seemed nice, but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t sell my story to a tabloid.
“Is your guest list confidential?” I asked stiffly.
She blinked and looked slightly hurt. “Absolutely. That’s one of our company values. Guests, whoever they are, should be able to rest and recharge without the outside world interfering. No one on the staff will say anything to anyone. I don’t know about the other guest, though.” Finley lowered her voice. “She doesn’t seem the type to pay attention to celebrity-type stuff.”
“Why do you say that?”
“I don’t know exactly. I’m really good at reading people. She seems nice but kind of fragile and brittle, like maybe she’s here for a reason other than vacation. Do you know what I mean?”
“Another one of us hiding from something?” I asked.
“Or someone.”
“Right.” I hoped she wasn’t in any danger. Maybe she had a violent spouse she’d had to run from? “Do you think she’s in trouble?”
Finley shrugged her narrow shoulders. “Who knows? She gives me that vibe, though.”
“It’s none of my business,” I said, smiling. “I should not probe into others’ lives if I want the same in return, right?”
“I suppose so. It’s hard when you’re naturally nosy like me. Anyway, you were wise to bring a hat and sunglasses. You might consider keeping those handy. I’m probably not your only fan here in Montana.” Finley gave me a tremulous smile.
Why had it not occurred to me that there would be other guests here? Ones who might recognize me and take photos and post them on social media.
“I’ll keep to myself,” I said.
“Just call if you want me to bring you over a meal from the restaurant or anything at all,” Finley said. “We may not be fancy, but we take care of our guests.” She came around the counter and spotted my suitcases just outside the door. “I’ll bring those to your cabin on my cart in a few minutes.”
“Thanks. Um, has Bluefern been mentioned? On the internet, I mean.” Would they figure out that Rex Sharp had been the father of the Moon brothers? Had this trip been completely reckless? So far, no one had connected them to Rex Sharp.
“No. I don’t think anyone’s ever heard of Bluefern. And no offense, but that’s not the interesting part of the story.” She tugged on the sleeves of her suit jacket, pulling the cuffs over her wrists. “No one will bother you here.”
She meant well, but her assurances gave me no comfort. Anyone could google the name of the Fireside Motel and figure out where Bluefern was. With a little more digging, they could discover the other victim was the father of the men who ran thisdude ranch. If people found out, the scandal could destroy their business. All because of my desire to be famous.
Furthermore, I was actually here at the ranch. Which might make it even worse. If anyone found me.
They won’t. I’ll keep to myself. Have my meals sent to my cabin. Stay out of the way.
After I saw Atticus.
Finley walked me to the door. “If you need a friend. Someone to talk to. Don’t hesitate. I’m not famous exactly, but I know what it feels like to run away and hope no one finds you.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.”