Page 51 of Swoony Moon
“Sometimes I don’t feel kind at all,” I said lightly to hide the deep emotions he seemed to drag from me with no effort whatsoever. “Although it does seem you’re pretty perfect.”
He’d put his glasses on after we got home from the festival, saying the dry air made his eyes itch. Now he lifted them a few centimeters off his nose and wriggled his eyebrows at me. “Can’t see a thing without these but with them, I see all of you, and I stand by my previous comment. Utter beauty.”
“I love you in your glasses,” I said.
“Thank you, I do think they add to my nerdy charm.”
“I agree.” I couldn’t help but grin back at him. He was endearing and familiar and totally swoony. Not just to my eleven-year-old memory but right now in the moment.
I stood and offered him my hand. “I think it’s time for me to show you all of me.”
He rose to his feet and pulled me close, kissing me. “I already know your heart. That’s enough for me.”
I woke wrappedin Atticus’s arms around eight. From the chair where I’d tossed my pants, my phone buzzed. I wriggled out of his arms and took hold of the phone. It was a number I didn't recognize, but the area code was an LA one.
“Hello, this is Annie.”
Atticus sat up, rubbing his eyes.
"Hi, Annie, this is Genevieve Banks. Or Gennie, as my friends and family call me.”
“Um, hi, Ms. Banks.”Oh my God, I mouthed to Atticus.
He made a face, indicating he had no idea who I was talking about. I’d tell him in a minute. Gennie Banks was one of the power players in Hollywood. Her production company made movies about women for women. She had a reputation for excellence as a director but also for being a stellar person. I’d followed her career since I was a teenager.
Working with her would be a dream come true.
I sat back against the headboard. My legs were shaking so badly I was afraid I might pass out.
“I’m sorry to call your personal number, but when I spoke to Celeste, she assured me you wouldn't mind and that it might cheer you up a bit. I saw that horrendous interview, and I wanted to tell you how sorry I am you’re going through this. I have had a few secrets come out about my past as well. Going throughsomething like this is hard enough, let alone in public. This will all die down, and you can go on with your career. Everyone will forget about it whenever the next news cycle starts.”
“Thank you,” I said.
“Aside from that, I want to talk to you about a part in my next film.”
I gulped in a breath and exchanged a look with Atticus. Genevieve Banks wanted me for a part in her next movie? “Sure, yeah.” God, I sounded like an idiot.
“I wanted to reach out to you in person as opposed to letting our agents handle it. Much more personal that way. I have the script and can get my assistant to drop it into FedEx so you’ll have it in a few days. You’ll have to see what you think about it, but I find the writing brilliant. I'd love for you to consider playing Ellis. She’s not the lead, but the part’s really interesting, and I think you’d be perfect for it. If it's something you're interested in, we can talk about details. We’d be shooting in the spring of next year on location in British Columbia. It’s beautiful up there.”
“Yes, I’d love to read it,” I said, as if I wouldn’t take the role, whatever it was. Working with Gennie Banks would be amazing. “I filmHawthorneuntil March.”
“Yes, which is perfect timing.”
“Can I just say yes now?” I asked, smiling.
She laughed. “Take a few days to read the script, and then we can talk details. Enjoy your time away. I’m out of town too, actually. We go up to Canada every year to visit my husband’s mother, so there’s no rush.”
“Thank you,” I said. “So much.”
After we hung up, I looked over at Atticus. He and Scout were sitting together on the other side of the bed. If it were possible, Scout looked proud of me.
“Spill it,” Atticus said.
“That was a possible gig. A part in a Genevieve Banks movie.”
“Isn’t she an actress?”
“She started her own production company some years back.” I tented my hands over my mouth. Gennie Banks had called me. For a part. “This is a huge opportunity for me.”