Page 26 of Harvest Moon
“You look nice too,” Finley said. “Speaking of which, I need to go get cleaned up. This all took longer than I thought it would.”
“Well, you did a spectacular job. Now go get dressed and get ready to party. You’ve earned it.”
“You’re the sweetest,” Finley said. “I’ll do exactly that.”
I found Soren and Thad in the den. They’d already opened a bottle of Atticus’s top-shelf whiskey.
“You want a drink?” Thad asked.
“Sure,” I said. “But make it a small one. I have to be coherent.”
In general, I didn’t drink. I knew too many people in the restaurant business who developed bad habits. Late-night drinking after long shifts was common. I’d shied away from it,not wanting to be anything like my real father. However, for family events and holidays, I made an exception.
Therefore, seconds later, I had a drink in my hand. Where were the groom and his best man?
“Where’s Atticus?” I asked Soren.
“He took Scout out for a walk,” Soren said. “Said it would calm his nerves.”
Finley was right. Soren was almost unrecognizable in a suit. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d seen him out of his jeans, boots, and flannel shirt.
“You clean up good, brother,” I said, patting his shoulder.
His suit was almost identical to mine, but he wore a red tie instead of the blue one I’d chosen. When I glanced down at his feet, I realized his fancy attire did not include loafers. His scuffed cowboy boots had been polished, but years of use remained evident.
I wore comfortable closed-toe shoes at work. The long hours on my feet didn’t lend itself to boots. However, Soren never wore anything but his boots and claimed they’d molded to his arches and heels perfectly.
“You look pretty good yourself.” Soren clinked my glass, and we both tossed back our shots.
Thad had dressed in a suit as well and paired it with a lavender tie. My youngest brother was the smallest of all of us boys. Slim and fit, his suit hung on him perfectly. He had his dark hair neatly combed back from his forehead. With delicate bone structure and small features, he was almost what one would call pretty. The rest of us had tougher exteriors, with rugged features and large chests.
Rafferty rushed into the room, looking unusually harried. As we knew he would, he’d taken his best man duties very seriously. We’d had a killer bachelor party in Missoula a few weekends back with all five of us. He’d arranged for a limo to take usbarhopping and then to a fantastic steak house. I hadn’t enjoyed a weekend off in a while, and it felt good to get away. Elliot had run the restaurant without a glitch. It hadn’t really occurred to me until recently how much I trusted her. Or liked her.
Okay, the liking her part was not true. I’d liked her from the first moment I laid on eyes on her. Even though she was late.
“Everything under control?” Soren asked. His brows came together, as he was obviously worried. “Do you need us?”
“No, everything is not fine, but there’s nothing we can do.” Rafferty spoke in staccato, emphasizing every word. “The doves are not coming. The guy who was bringing them had an accident and they all flew away.”
“What?” My mouth dropped open. “How does that happen?”
“I’m not sure exactly.” Rafferty accepted a shot of whiskey from Soren. “The driver said the cage opened and they took off in one fell swoop.”
“To where?” I asked, not having ever given doves a second thought.
“They fly home,” Rafferty said. “Apparently. I’m completely bummed. They were going to be spectacular. We were going to release them the minute the ceremony was over. This is a total disaster.”
“Did Annie want doves?” I asked, surprised.
“It was my idea—something I saw in a wedding magazine, but she was really excited about them. Now I’ve let her down.” Rafferty threw back his drink and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.
“Did you say wedding magazine?” Soren asked Rafferty.
“Yeah. I mean, besides Pinterest and magazines, how else was I supposed to get ideas? I mean, I am a dude.” Rafferty smoothed a hand over his closely cropped thick hair. He also wore a suit. but somehow it looked as if he’d been born in one, unlike Soren and me.
“Right, what was I thinking?” Soren asked, brow crinkled.
“You can laugh all you want, but I’m the best man.” Rafferty fiddled with the knot of his purple tie. “An honor I take very seriously. I want Annie and Atticus to have the most perfect day ever. And now there’s no doves.”