Page 35 of Harvest Moon
Celeste and Rafferty made their way down the aisle. Annie’s best friend did not look as though she’d spent the morning inthe bathroom after a wild night. Instead, she beamed, obviously happy to be here.
When they got to us, the maid of honor and best man parted for their positions.
Soren, still with Scout, nodded and gave her a hand motion to indicate showtime. Scout seemed to understand. She rose to her feet, tail wagging. As if she’d done it a million times, head held high, Atticus’s faithful companion walked down the aisle. When Scout reached Atticus, she obediently sat on her haunches and looked toward the back of the room.
Annie, on the arm of her father, stepped through the front door from the patio. Since the rain had stopped as suddenly as it began, they’d made the last-minute decision to take her around the side of the building so she could make a grand entrance. Now, as if the clouds parted just for her, a slant of sun filtered in through the glass windows.
Scout let out one loving bark, tail wagging furiously at the sight of the bride.
Everyone stood as the processional music began and father and daughter walked down the aisle in time to the music.
Next to me, Atticus drew in a deep breath, tears in his eyes.
When they reached us, her father kissed her cheek and nodded toward Atticus. “Take care of my girl.”
“Yes sir,” Atticus said, his gaze moving away from his bride only long enough to make the promise to his father-in-law.
Annie and Atticus took each other’s hands and peeked up at me. My cue. I pulled a cheat card from the inner pocket of my jacket. Now or never. I could do this. Not a big deal. Only the most important day of their lives so far.
“Dearly beloved, we’re gathered here today,” I said.
Someone snickered. I looked up to see that it was Soren. Thad, standing next to him, nudged him in the ribs. Sorencovered his mouth, looking sheepish, and nodded at me to carry on. I’d hurt him later.
Scout whined at me in encouragement. She would get a treat later, I decided. But Soren might be the only one who had no wedding feast tonight.
“We’re gathered here to witness the marriage of Atticus Moon and Annie Armstrong. This marriage is truly meant to be. They promised to marry when they were only nine years old. Although many years passed before they reconnected, it was obvious to them both that time had not changed their feelings. For their pretend ceremony, they’d used blades of grass as rings, vowing to someday marry for real. That day has finally come.
“They’ve written their own vows and would like to share them with you now,” I said, nodding at Atticus to begin.
“Right, okay,” Atticus said, eyes shining. “Annie Armstrong, you’ve been the only girl, now woman, I’ve ever loved. All the time that passed and the hardships we experienced never changed how I felt. My heart had been on hold, waiting for you. Finally, God brought you back to me. It’s you and it’s always been you. Distance nor time changed that. You’re everything I could ever hope for in a partner and best friend. You’re kind, compassionate, smart as a whip, funny, and beautiful. I’ll never know what you see in a nerd like me, but I’m just glad you do. I will be your best friend, shelter in the storm, and greatest fan for however long I’m lucky enough to be by your side. You’re my family, just as much as anyone else in this room. I promise to care for you, love you, and never ask you to give up on your dreams.”
Annie dabbed at her eyes with her hanky. “Atticus Moon, when I closed my eyes at night, your face was all I saw. All the time I was away, I never forgot you. It may seem strange to anyone looking in, but for the two of us it’s always been obvious. It’s you and me until the end. I’m proud of everythingyou accomplished before me. I know whatever the future holds, I’ll feel the same way—in awe of your intelligence and pure heart. I’m grateful God led us back to each other, despite the odds. You’re the person I can and will come to with anything—bad, good, and in between. I look forward to the memories we’ll make together and the stories we’ll tell our children about what can happen when you follow your heart. I followed mine back to Montana, to you, despite all the demons that waited for me here.” Her voice wobbled, and she paused, drawing in a deep breath before continuing. “I’ll never regret coming home. In fact, it’s the smartest thing I’ve ever done. I vow to take care of you and love you every day of my life. “
They both looked back at me expectantly. My eyes burned from repressed emotion. An ache at the back of my throat made it hard to speak, but I managed. “Do you, Atticus Moon, take Annie Armstrong to be your lawfully wedded wife and promise to love and cherish her above all others?”
“I do.” Atticus’s eyes leaked tears as he brought Annie’s hand to his mouth for a kiss.
“Annie Armstrong,” I said. “Do you take Atticus Moon to be your lawfully wedded husband and cherish and love him above all others?”
“I do.”
I looked over at Rafferty, to remind him he needed to fetch the rings from around Scout’s neck. Rafferty nodded, leaning down to untie the bow where the rings sparkled from a bed of fur. However, Scout had different plans. Without warning, she bolted down the aisle. An initial hush fell over the guests, followed by exclamations of surprise.
“Get her,” Rafferty shouted to no one in particular.
From where they’d been standing during the ceremony, Sammie and Elliot charged after the naughty dog, but to no avail. The moment one of them got close, Scout zigzagged theother direction, her athletic prowess admirable, other than the fact that she was holding two rings hostage. She was on her second exuberant lap around the room when Arabella rose from her chair and reached into her clutch, pulling out what had to be a dog treat.
“Scout, come,” Arabella shouted. “Treat.”
Scout stopped, her tongue lolled out to one side and ears flattened. Her gaze fixed upon Arabella, she crouched onto her front legs.
Arabella held out her hand. Scout rose all the way up, sniffing.
“Come along.” Arabella started to walk over to the startled couple.
Miraculously, Scout followed.
“Sit,” Arabella said to Scout, holding out the treat for her to see.