Page 41 of Harvest Moon
I was absurdly proud, as if I had anything to do with it. Still, the nervous look on Elliot’s face lessened when she saw Annie’s childlike delight in the cake.
“Elliot, it’s absolutely exquisite,” Annie said. “Thank you.”
Elliot’s eyes met mine from across the room. I smiled and winked, as if to say, “I told you so.”
She smiled right back, sending liquid gold through every part of me.
By the time the last dish was put away, it was close to eight. The wedding reception had been a great success, and we had sent the happy couple off in a limousine, which would take them into Bozeman and then out on a plane to Hawaii for their honeymoon in the morning.
Even without the doves, it was a great send-off. The rest of the family soon said their farewells. Sammie and I could at last take off our aprons and put our feet up.
Leo had put aside plates of food for us, and we sat in the kitchen staff area to eat. Too tired to say much, we devoured the pasta and split a fish between us, washed down with Chablis.
After we finished, Sammie begged off, needing to get back to the house to relieve the teenage sitter she'd hired for the evening.
I was gathering my light jacket and bag out of my cubby in the back when I heard a noise coming from the kitchen. Poking my head back in, I saw that it was Caspian. He’d discarded his suit jacket and rolled up the sleeves of his shirt. His tie was nowhere to be seen.
"Ah, good, you're still here," Caspian said. "We're all going into town to the tavern. Do you want to join us?"
"Who’s going?”
He listed them off on his fingers. “Rafferty, Thad, Soren, Finley, and Sammie. And me, obviously.”
“Sammie just left, though. She had to get back for the sitter.”
“Mama offered to stay with Chloe so Sammie could join us.”
“Sammie never goes out,” I said. “That’s so nice of your mother.”
“I think she has an ulterior motive.”
“What’s that?”
“Thad might have a teensy crush on Sammie,” Caspian said. “And Mama being Mama, she’s taken it upon herself to give them a chance to go out and have fun.”
“All right, I guess I’m in too. Tomorrow’s my day off, so if I’m a little hungover it’s not that big of a deal.”
“For sure. This was the tamest wedding of the century, and the boys are ready to party.”
“Who’s driving?” I asked. “I can just walk to my motel room, but what about the rest of you?”
“Pop promised to pick us up if it came to that,” Caspian said. “But Rafferty won’t drink much. He doesn’t want to be soused in case he gets called in for an emergency.”
“Do I have time to change?” I wanted to get out of the clothes I’d worked in all day. Maybe even sneak in a quick shower to wash away the smells of the kitchen that had inevitably worked their way into the fibers of my clothes and skin.
“Sure. The night’s young.” He flashed me what I would describe as a mischievous smile. “As long as you show up, I’m happy.”
“I’ll show up.”
“See you soon.” He reached for me as if to hug me but seemed to think better of it, turning away at the last second.
As I walked to my car, I thought about whether this was a good idea. After a few drinks, I might throw myself at my boss.We’d almost kissed twice already today. What would happen if our barriers were down?
The possibilities sent a shiver of excitement down my spine.