Page 16 of Some Like It Rough
“I’m sure you can.” Luke propped the bike up against the back fence. “But you’re still a gas guzzler.”
Paul shrugged and opened the back gate. “But at least I’ll go to hell with a big, satisfied smile on my face.” Luke brushed past him and Paul closed the gate. “How did it go with Ramon today?”
“Jeez, that guy is awesome. He got the ceiling fixed, the shelves sanded back down and usable. On Monday we’re going to check out the lighting and the plumbing. I’m hoping to create an apartment out of the old stockrooms in the back, but Ramon thinks I’ll need a contractor for that.”
“You probably will, but I know a couple of guys who would do a good job at a reasonable price.”
Luke glanced sideways at him. “That doesn’t mean you get to pay half the bill, though. You’ll tell me the truth about what it’s going to cost.”
“Sure.” Paul wasn’t going to lie to Luke’s face. He’d get the bids and then decide how much he could get away with by editing the truth.
“Didn’t Julia tell you I owned a business in San Jose?”
“Yeah, she also told me you sold it.” Paul opened the back door to Julia’s condo. “I’m not interested in your money situation, Luke, that’s your business, but if I can help out a friend, I’m going to do it regardless.” He faced Luke. “You had a shitty start in life and I didn’t. You’re a good man, Luke.”
Luke stared at him and his smile died. Paul couldn’t look away. He had the strangest sensation that Luke was going to kiss him. He remembered the way their mouths had tangled over Julia’s pussy; how it felt to slide his tongue over Luke’s and feel his response. Paul cleared his throat. “Yeah, well.”
“Is that you, guys?” Julia’s voice broke the spell and Luke turned away.
“Yeah, it’s us.” Paul recovered his voice first, although he sounded a bit hoarse. What the hell was going on between him and Luke? Was he attracted to the guy? He’d never felt the slightest urge to kiss anyone apart from Julia, but when Luke looked at him like that . . . Christ.
Paul followed Luke into the kitchen and waited while he kissed Julia and then got his kiss as well. The succulent smell of garlic and red wine permeated the small space and the table was already set for three.
“This is nice, Julia.” Luke was looking around with great interest. After the basic comforts of the old drugstore, Paul reckoned Julia’s place must look like a palace.
“Thanks. Paul helped me fix it up and find some furniture.”
Luke met Paul’s gaze. “He likes helping out, doesn’t he?”
“Yes, he does.”
Paul shrugged and wondered why he suddenly felt like the odd guy out. “Why wouldn’t I? I had it easy compared to you two.”
Julia came across and squeezed his arm. “I’m not complaining, Paul.” Her warm smile and the way she was petting his arm made his uncharacteristic flare of irritation die. “Do you want wine now, or with dinner?”
“I’ll have some now. How about you two?” Paul showed the bottle to Luke and Julia and ended up pouring three glasses of the jewel-colored brew. Luke took his glass and wandered through to the main living space, commenting as he went. Julia stirred something on the stove and shouted back answers to his questions.
“Can I help you with anything, honey?”
Julia shook her head. “Not really.” Luke’s voice faded as he moved on down the hall. “Only you might tell me what’s going on between you and Luke.”
Paul almost choked on his wine. “What do you mean?”
“You’re circling each other like two big cats.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Julia stalked over to him, the wooden spoon still in her hand. “Bullshit. Now, what’s up?”
He sighed and lowered his voice. “I’m not sure, I keep thinking about him.”
“Thinking about him what?”
Paul licked his lips. “Touching me . . .” He raised his head and stared into Julia’s startled gray eyes. “Yeah, I know, kill me now.”
She touched his cheek. “Well, something weird is going on. Why don’t you just sit down and talk to him about it?”
“Christ, we’re not girls.” Paul glanced around Julia and saw Luke was coming back. “We don’t discuss personal stuff like that, and we both know he came back for you.”