Page 6 of Some Like It Rough
His smile was crooked and didn’t quite match the blaze of interest in his narrowed eyes. “Thanks for the food.” He turned and headed for the back room, leaving Julia gaping after him.
“Paul . . .” She swung around to face him and realized he was smiling. “Did he just walk out on us?”
“He didn’t go far, honey.” He leaned in to kiss her, his mouth so hot and voracious that she was immediately wet. He picked her up so that her legs straddled his. “If he can’t see us, he’ll still hear us.”
Julia opened her mouth to argue, but Paul kissed her again and whether it was the thought of having Paul in such a public place or that Luke might watch, she didn’t stop him from pushing up her skirt and settling her over his big cock. She gasped as he thrust deep and held her down over him, his hands clamped on her hips.
“I bet he’s watching Julia, I bet he sees you sitting on my cock, my mouth on your tits, my fingers on your clit.”
Paul kissed her again and finally let her move on him, his mouth and hands as busy as he’d said, his cock a thick, hot presence inside her. She felt cold air on her ass, realized he’d gathered her skirt up to her waist to expose her buttocks, to let Luke see his big cock filling her. The mere thought of it made her come, and she gasped out Paul’s name. He groaned and began to move faster, taking control of the motion, lifting her and slamming her down over his shaft with a speed and strength that made her climax again, this time while biting his shoulder.
He wrapped his arms around her and came in great shuddering waves, held on to her for at least five minutes before he finally looked at her. His smile was full of lust. “Hey, thanks for dessert.”
“You’re welcome.” She couldn’t help smiling back at him. He lifted her off him and groaned as he examined his cock. She threw him a couple of napkins and pulled down her now-crumpled skirt. There was still no sign of Luke, so she concentrated on getting her breath back and finishing her beer.
Paul zipped up his jeans and tossed the used napkins into the trash sack. “Do you need to clean up, honey? I think there’s a bathroom of sorts out back.”
She smiled at him and stood up, saw his eyes widen as some of his come trickled down her inner thigh. “I kind of thought you’d like it if you drove me home like this.” She brushed the top of her stocking with a fingertip. “You could touch me and play with me.” She blinked slowly and then licked her wet finger. “Only if you’d like to, of course.”
Paul crawled toward her and ran his tongue along the edge of her lace stocking. “Damn, honey, I’m hard again. I’m not sure if we’ll make it home. Maybe we could stop somewhere along the way and I could tip you back in your seat and lick you all clean.”
Julia shivered as he licked at her and she stroked his thick blond hair. The quality of the silence behind her had changed, she was almost certain that Luke was not only listening to them, but watching as well. The thought of it made her so hot she wanted to shove Paul’s face into her pussy and make him make her come with his tongue and fingers until she screamed or until Luke couldn’t stand it anymore and came to join them.
Paul slowly got to his feet, his expression as hard and sexy as she expected hers was. “Yeah, in the truck, right now. Go.”
She blew him a kiss as he sauntered toward the partially closed door Luke had disappeared behind and said, “Night, Luke. I’ll come see you tomorrow. You can keep the camping gear as long as you like.”
There was no sign that Luke had heard him, but Julia knew Luke well enough to guess he was fully aware of everything that had just happened and understood that they weren’t just going to leave him be. She smiled. It might not have been the welcome home he expected, but it was much more fun than shouting. Paul winked at her and walked out. She took a moment to straighten the kicked-over chairs and trash the beer cans. She paused at Luke’s door and tapped on it.
“I know you’re still there, Luke, and I know you watched. Did you like what you saw? Did it make you hard?” There was no answer, but she hadn’t really expected one. She kissed the scarred wooden panel. “We’re not going away, Luke, this is our town. You’ll either have to deal or leave. Good night.”
* * *
Luke heldhis breath until Julia slammed the back door behind her, and then waited for the roar of Paul’s truck to fade down the street. With a stifled groan he managed to unzip his jeans without damaging his over-excited cock. He wrapped his hand around his throbbing shaft and lay back on the makeshift bed, images of Paul and Julia flooding his head.
God, of course, he’d fucking looked. How could he not? He’d been starved not seeing them together and not being with them. He pictured Julia sitting in the truck beside Paul, his big hand between her legs as he fingered her soaking wet pussy and clit. Luke had wanted to get back out there and lick her clean, to lick them both clean whether they wanted his help or not.
He tightened his grip of his cock and deliberately pumped hard, let his nails dig into his swollen flesh, imagined Paul and Julia watching him as he fucked himself. He climaxed and kept his grip tight, felt every agonizing pulse of his come force its way out and cover his fingers.
He shuddered with the force of it and looked down at his shaft, which was already filling out again. There was no way back. He had to face up to his needs. If Julia and Paul wanted to play it this way, he was definitely up for it.
“Yes, Mr. Glynn, I’ll take care of it.” Julia nodded again at her boss and held the door open as he swept past her, still talking, still repeating the same old crap he said every single day so that he could get out of the office and play golf with his buddies. “It’s not a problem; I’ll make sure Mr. Brown knows how to get hold of you if he needs you.”
Mr. Glynn stopped walking and stared at her, well more accurately, he stared at her breasts, which were at his eye level. “Don’t tell him exactly where I am, Miss Lowell. That wouldn’t be wise at all, would it?”
She forced herself not to snarl, smiled sweetly instead and remembered to talk to him like he was a five-year-old. “I’ll just give him your cell phone number. Unless you’re facetiming him, he won’t know exactly where you are, will he?”
He stared at her grudgingly for a few moments. “I suppose not.”
“Then I’ll see you later, okay?”
“Good morning, Miss Lowell.”
Finally, Mr. Glynn walked out of her office and toward the back door of the bank. Julia let out her breath and leaned against the doorframe. The man was a disgrace. She kept hoping that some of the regional guys would make a surprise visit and find him gone. Hell, she’d even thought of putting an anonymous call in herself, to help things along. But despite his lack of abilities, Mr. Glynn had something she didn’t have—a penis—and that meant he got to be in with all the good ol’ boys on the golf course and in his clubs, and she didn’t.
“Has he gone then?”