Page 9 of Some Like It Rough
“Do you think you’re going to stay in Gulch Town, then?”
He sighed. “I don’t know. Are you saying you’ll only go along with me if I’m leaving? That you’ll try me on for size for a while because you’ll get some kind of sexual revenge for what I did, or another way to kink up your sex life?”
“I hadn’t thought that far ahead. I was more worried about how Paul and I will feel if we do this and you walk out on us again.”
“But don’t you see that ‘doing this’ and seeing if we can all get along together is crucial to whether I stay or not?”
Julia studied his face. “What do you think Paul’s going to do while you’re telling me whether I can come or not?”
As she changed the subject, some of the tension disappeared from Luke’s face. “Paul will do whatever he wants, although I suspect he needs some discipline himself.” Luke got up and readjusted the huge bulge in his jeans. He picked up one of her business cards and slid it into his pocket.
“Paul?” Julia laughed. “I’d like to see you tell him that.”
Luke’s smile was full of anticipation. “So would I.” He walked toward the door, put his hand on the panel. “You’ll come over tonight? Try it my way?”
Julia fiddled with the pens on her desk. “I’ll have to talk to Paul.”
The thought of Paul gave her courage. “If he can’t make it, I won’t be coming.”
“Yeah, I get that. Paul’s definitely part of the deal.” He nodded at her and left. She got up and ran to the door, peeked through the crack to see that Luke was busy with Dave, and then locked the door. She slid a hand between her legs and cupped herself. God, she wanted to come so bad, her clit was throbbing with it. If she just pressed a bit harder she’d climax, she knew it. But Luke was right. Where was the challenge in that?
She slowly withdrew her hand and glanced at the clock on the wall. In less than seven hours, she would be walking out of here and she knew exactly where she’d be headed next.
* * *
Luke lethimself back into the dilapidated store and dumped the three bags of stuff from the hardware shop on the countertop. Despite his best efforts to think about hardware rather than hard sex, his cock was still trying to drill a hole out of his jeans. He groaned as he studied the mess around him. All he wanted to do was shove his hand in his pants and jack off, not get on with the repairs.
A knock on the door brought his attention away from his cock and back to the present. He walked behind the counter and started to unpack the bags, called out a “Come in” as he worked.
Paul appeared, accompanied by a shorter, darker skinned man with a slight stoop. “Hey, Luke.”
Luke nodded at the two guys. “Hey. What can I do for you?”
Paul patted the older guy on the shoulder. “I wanted to introduce you to Ramon. His son works for me out on the ranch, and Ramon does most of the handyman stuff that needs doing around the place. I thought you might like to borrow his skills for a couple of days a week until you’re set. He can fix almost anything.”
Luke grinned at Ramon, who smiled politely back. “It’s nice to meet you, Ramon. That would be great. What’s your hourly rate?”
Before Ramon could speak, Paul said, “It’s okay. I pay him anyway.”
Luke’s smile died. “Then he’ll get paid double. I’m not a pauper, Paul.”
“Sure, whatever works for you.” Paul shrugged off Luke’s pointed comment with all the ease of a man who’d never had to worry about earning a dime. It used to bug Luke, but now he realized that Paul’s workload at the ranch was way more intimidating a load than he would ever take on and that he deserved every cent he made.
“When can you start, Ramon?”
“Tomorrow, Mr. Warner?” Ramon looked at his employer, who nodded. “Today I finish up a job for Mr. Paul. Then I’m visiting my daughter in town, so I will be here first thing in the morning.”
“Cool.” Luke shook the old man’s hand. “I’ll see you tomorrow, then.”
Paul didn’t follow Ramon out; he remained leaning against the wall, hands in his pockets, brown cowboy boots crossed at the ankle. Luke finished emptying out the contents of the bags and looked right into Paul’s blue eyes. “Is there something else?”
Paul stirred. “Julia said you visited her in the bank.”
At the thought of Julia, Luke’s cock started to fill out again. “Yeah, I needed to open a bank account.”
“So I heard. I also heard that you want Julia to come over here tonight.”