Page 12 of One More Time
He scoffs, and then I hear the sound of my door opening and closing.
It’s only then that I open my eyes and pull my cock out, stroking it roughly, spilling onto the floor in a matter of seconds.
All of the leftover tension leaves my body, and I let out a sigh of relief.
The repercussions of what just happened don’t even cross my mind. I’m just happy I can move on and not obsess over his dick anymore.
It didn’t work. I’m just as distraught as I was last week. But now it’s even worse because I’ve tasted it. I’ve had it. I now know what Alec’s dick looks like and how it feels moving down my throat.
And if anything, it’s only made my obsession grow.
I’ve never really wanted a dick more than once, but apparently, Alec is the exception. My hobby is becoming an issue.
“Come on!” Ollie says as we jog around the track at the park. It’s a cold morning, and I can feel my balls retreating into my body. Not to mention, I haven’t had coffee yet and I’m dragging my feet, not really in the mood to exercise this early, but Ollie is merrily skipping along. He has a flower in his hand and gingerly tucks it behind his ear.
“I’m not in the mood to move,” I grumble as I slow my pace, and Ollie bounds over to me.
“Why? What’s wrong? Is it Alec?”
“Ugh. Don’t say his name,” I murmur, and Ollie pulls me into a sweaty hug. I fight against it, but he only squeezes me tighter.
“Alec,” he says again with a giggle, and I pinch his butt, making him squeal.
“Ow! You don’t play fair,” he says with a pout as he peels away from me and rubs at his ass.
“Neither do you.”
Ollie tilts his head to the side and sighs. “Look, I know you’re going through something right now, but you can talk to me, you know?”
“I’m not going through anything.”
“Really? Because you’ve been in a mood all week, ever since Alec fixed our kitchen sink.”
I huff and then turn my gaze away. My dick starts to chub up at the thought of him, and I have the urge to stick my dick in a cock cage just to get it under control. Spent a lot of time looking at them online last night. I have one sitting in my cart and everything.
I didnotlook at cock cage porn, despite being curious. I’d never do that.
“It has nothing to do with him. I’m just in a funk. I’ll be fine.”
“But you’re never in a funk. Usually you suck a D and you’re happy!”
“Yeah, well, maybe I’m getting hormonal or something.”
“Maybe,” Ollie says, not looking convinced.
And I’m not convinced either. Because the issue persists for days until I’m once again, an utter wreck.
There are now penises on everything. On my notebooks, my palms, even the poor wall in the work bathroom. I’ve begun my life of crime—tagging dicks onto public spaces.
Just lock me up already.
When Hayden calls me later in the week to ask me to watch the kids, I nearly turn her down, but I realize being with them isjust the thing I need. They’ll distract me. So I end up downtown with them at a little restaurant that has a great kids’ dinner menu. I’m laughing at their antics while coloring with Julia and Jordan and holding Charlie on my lap, when the object of my obsession walks in, another man in tow. They’re walking hand in hand, and I stare at the connection, feeling my cheeks flame. My heart does disgusting things in my chest and my stomach churns.
It’s not jealousy. Just indigestion.