Page 76 of One More Time
I reluctantly take out my phone. Ishouldwant to see my friends, but what I really want to do is snuggle up on Alec’s lap and make out with him for the rest of the afternoon. But with Alec watching me, I text my friends only to hear back minutes later that they will be around tomorrow, leaving me plenty of time to kiss Alec.
And maybe do other things.
I glance up at the man who is consuming my thoughts when I hear his phone beep. He glances down at it, his smile fading from his face. His cheeks almost seem to pale and he swallows audibly.
“You okay?” I ask and he nods his head, turning his phone off and shoving it into his pocket.
“Yeah, it’s nothing.”
“You sure?” I ask and he nods again.
“Yeah, I’m sure. Totally sure. It’s nothing.”
I don’t quite believe him, but then he asks, “So now that we have the rest of the day together, what do you want to do?”
I shrug and then scoot a little closer to him, closer and closer until I’m pressed up against his strong body. His hands wrap around my back, and I sink into his chest.
“Hey, you okay?” he asks, his hands rubbing a soothing pattern across my back.
“Yep. Just thought you looked like you needed a hug.”
He snorts softly and then leans back slightly. His eyes meet mine before dropping to my lips. Oh, thank fuck. I want this. I want that goddamn kiss.
But he doesn’t lean down and press his lips to mine, making a small whimper slip from my lips.
“How about we go out?” he suggests instead, making my head spin.
“Out?” I ask, and he nods, his fingers slipping into my hair. “Like a date?”
It’s his turn to shrug. “If you want to call it that.”
Part of me wants to definitely call it that. But then another part of me thinks it’s fucking scary. What if someone catches us? What if it gets back to my sister? What if she realizes I’m into Alec? Suddenly, I feel nauseous.
“Um, I don’t know. Maybe not a date.”
“You don’t know, hm?” Alec asks, pulling away from me. My body chases him, not wanting to be parted from him. But I don’t reach out like I want to. He looks…annoyed. God, Iamannoying. He’s so fucking annoyed.
“I mean, I’m not ready…I’m not ready for anyone to see me with you…like that.” I’m stumbling over my words, and I realize now how offensive they sound.
“You were fine with me pressing up against you at the club. Holding your hand as we walked out of it. But not now?”
I nod, feeling a little queasy. “Yeah, but I wasn’t thinking with my brain then. I was thinking with my penis.”
He rolls his eyes and then runs a hand down his face. “Fine. That’s fine. I don’t want to out you. I can respect that.”
I let out a shaky breath, feeling relieved but mostly like an asshole. “Are you sure?”
He doesn’t look sure but nods all the same. “Why don’t we just look at things to do a few towns over so no one recognizes us? That way when you need a hug or a kiss, you can.”
I scoff. “I don’t need hugs and kisses,” I say, but then I’m pressed up against him seconds later and realize that maybe I do. Maybe I need both of those things all the time. From Alec. Only Alec.
“How about a maze and dinner?”
I feel my cheeks flush. “I think I’d like that.”
“Alright, do you want to go home and change or just borrow a sweatshirt and take off?”
I have no plans to go home, I don’t want to get waylaid, so I just borrow one of Alec’s sweatshirts—a blue one with a picture of a saxophone on the front—and we take off. We drive an hour out of town to the nearest maze that Alec insists I’ll love. Apparently, he used to go to this one when he was a kid. The entire time we drive, I hold his hand, my thumb smoothing over the inside of his wrist. A few times I even lean across the console and kiss his cheek, nibbling on his ear and making his dick hard.